Illinois MCLE - Corporate Law Courses

This is a listing of Corporate Law CLE Courses for Illinois. Please make your selection below of Illinois CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Alternative Investments and Complex Products

    This CLE program addresses developments related to alternative investments and complex products. The session emphasizes the importance of understanding product features, characteristics, and their supervisory challenges. After attending this session, you will be able to: Understand the latest regulatory developments related to alternative investments and complex products Discuss due diligence requirements and industry practices when recommending private placement and REIT securities... More Info

    0.75General Credit
  • Business Formations 102: Limited Liability Companies

    This CLE course, presented by Tully Rinckey PLLC Partner Graig Zappia, Esq., will draw upon his experience as a seasoned real estate and corporate law attorney to assist attorneys of all levels of skill and experience in improving their legal knowledge regarding how to form Limited Liability Companies under New York State law. Mr. Zappia will provide guidance to attorneys on the various forms and procedural requirements to form Limited Liability Companies and Professional Limited Liability Com... More Info

    0.75General Credit
  • Global Advertising: Advertising Law in Canada

    With the ever-increasing importance of the web, and social media in particular, as a tool to market consumers, advertising is rarely confined by national borders. As companies think about communicating with a broader range of consumers, throughout the world, it is critical for them to understand the key rules governing advertising globally. This CLE program, co-sponsored by the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance, will provide an overview of the rules governing advertising to consumers... More Info

    0.75General Credit
  • Making a Molehill Out of a Mountain: What Attorneys Need to Know About Document Review

    It likely won’t come as a surprise to most in-house legal professionals that document review eats up the bulk of e-discovery budgets. However, very few organizations have made much progress in reducing such costs. Attempts often fail because they don’t go to the root of the problem: too much data is preserved, collected and sent to outside entities. Tackling this problem with information governance principles and innovative technology solutions before e-discovery even begins offers the best me... More Info

    0.75General Credit
  • So You’re Interested in a Career in Securities Law

    Join NYCLA’s Securities and Exchanges Committee as a panel of securities attorneys from different aspects of practice discuss how to prepare for a securities law career, including the skill sets that need to be developed, possible challenges to be confronted, career paths, work-life balance, the different aspects of practice … and more! More Info

    0.75General Credit
  • "Sweat Equity" in Small Businesses and Venture Startups: The Legal and Tax Issues

    When a startup or small business first launches, it is easy to issue shares (almost) tax-free to the company founders. When a shareholder or LLC member receives shares in exchange for his or her labor, or “sweat equity,” the legal and tax issues are a bit more complicated. In this fast-paced, entertaining presentation, you will learn: whether “sweat equity” workers should be treated as employees or independent contractors; the use of restricted stock, options, warrants and other equ... More Info

    1General Credit
  • #You're Fired @Will: Social Media and Employment Law

    Employees talk about everything on social media. Their supervisors. Their clients. The pitch they worked on all night. While many of these comments are harmless, some violate workplace rules or threaten company interests. But disciplining employee social media communications is not as easy as it sounds - even in "employment at will" situations. State and federal law protects certain types of online speech. In addition to the subject matter of the comments, you have to consider wher... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Behind the Scenes Look at the Decision by the Supreme Court of NJ on Fraud in a Medical Malpractice Policy

    In DeMarco v. Stoddard, the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that a medical (podiatric) malpractice policy that was procured via fraud in the application could and should be rescinded ab initio, with the insurer not obligated to defend or indemnify the doctor. In so holding, the Court examined multiple issues, including the background of compulsory malpractice coverage in both New Jersey (where the malpractice occurred) and Rhode Island (where the policy was issued by a state-created entity)... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Corporate Counsel Song and Dance: Keeping your Corporation in Tune and Out of Court

    Since the advent of the Internet, the use of copyrighted materials by corporations has exploded. Use of music on “hold” buttons, on websites, during holiday parties, and even at DeeJay events celebrating companies’ milestones permeates the corporate culture today. Attorneys counseling corporations - - whether in-house or outside counsel - - are nowadays regularly confronted with challenges from within their own marketing and promotion departments that they had never had to face before - - no... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Guide to Ethical Billing Practices and Retainer Agreements

    Attorney client relationships are based on many factors, but underlying it all is a business transaction. And like all business transactions, payment for services rendered is an essential factor. But as billing systems and retainer agreements have become more complicated, they have also come under greater scrutiny. It has become far more common for disciplinary authorities to inspect these agreements and incur significant penalties for those who violate the rules. This informative CLE course,... More Info

    1Ethics Credit

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