Indiana CLE - Social Media Courses

This is a listing of Social Media CLE Courses for Indiana. Please make your selection below of Indiana CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • The Importance of Registering Your Copyright in the Music World

    This CLE course will demonstrate how important it truly is to register your copyrights in the music world. Registering copyrights is the best way to both add value to creative works and protect them. We will discuss the cost-benefit analysis of registration; go through a primer on Copyright Law as it pertains to the music industry; discuss fair use, parody, and compulsory licensing; the elements of copyright infringement and how they pertain to music; the importance of the deposit copy... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Antitrust Primer in The Age of The Internet/Information

    What is driving the recent upsurge in competition law enforcement by the FTC, the DOJ Antitrust Division, the States and in private litigation? To address this question, this course provides an antitrust primer with background from key, foundational cases addressing single firm and joint conduct that violate the antitrust laws. We then focus on the major antitrust cases recently brought by the government targeting alleged monopolists with platform dominance in the Tech Sector. More Info

    3.3General Credits
  • Trademark Basics: What Attorneys Need to Know

    In today’s fast-paced digital world, trademark protection is increasingly critical and complex. This fascinating CLE course will delve into the basics of federal trademark law every lawyer should know. The course focus is on how to spot issues as a non-IP lawyer in an in-house counsel role. It highlights what items qualify as a trademark, what diligence is necessary before using a potential mark, what constitutes infringement, and the interplay of trademarks, domain names, and social... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Virtual Isolation: Is Hyperconnectivity Helping or Harming the Legal Professional?

    If we stop to think about what we look at most during the day, the answer would probably not be our family or friends, nor our clients or colleagues. The most feasible option would be our mobile phone. Smartphones are now our companions for work, social, leisure and even family life. However, excessive use can lead to problems of dependence, addiction and fear. We find ourselves simultaneously connected and alone. Workers today are ‘never turned off.” Like our mobile phones, we only go on stan... More Info

    1.1Ethics Credits
  • Criminal Defense of #MeToo Cases

    Experienced sex crimes defense attorneys and former federal prosecutors discuss the nuances of sex crimes trial defense during the #MeToo era. The speakers will discuss unique criminal defense aspects to consider during the investigative, pre-trial, trial, and post-trial phases of a sex crimes case. Highlights include: strategy concerning use of experts, discussion of confessions and inculpatory statements of the accused, cross-examination of alleged sex victims, and other strategies a... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Metaverse Law: Intro to ARVR, Issues, IP Ownerships, Monetization, Cyber Currency, and Licensing

    With apologies to the Beatles, tech is flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup, it slithers unregulated across the Metaverse. From AltCoin to Web 3.0, this course addresses the breadth of tech law in the Metaverse. The lecturer will review some of the basic terminology (in plain English!) before discussing the application of regulatory and statutory law to the Metaverse, how the Metaverse polices itself, and how the Metaverse is monetized. Specific topics will... More Info

    1.7General Credits
  • The Ethics of Social Media and Attorney Competency

    Join us for a CLE program exploring the requirements for ethically using social media to build your referral network and the interplay of Rules of Professional Conduct on advertising, solicitation and attorney communications. This program will cover the Rules of Professional Conduct related to advertising and marketing on the internet, and how the ethics rules have not yet caught up with new technology. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Section 230: Kings of the Internet

    Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (“CDA”) grants immunity from civil liability to the heads of online social media companies, empowering them to delete, modify or censor material they deem “objectionable,” or even ban or de-platform individuals at their discretion. They can do all this even if the material deleted “is constitutionally protected.” Since online platforms have become a main source of information for most of the world, this means that a few individuals are th... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Art and Law of Surveillance

    This CLE will explore the laws surrounding surveillance in the context of civil litigation, family law and investigations. This will include an examination of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, Social Media Ethical Rules, Video Surveillance, the Stored Communications Act, GPS Tracking Statutes, Facial and License Plate Recognition Technology. The course will look at both the law and practicality of surveillance and how to best “use” findings in litigation as fact finding tools.... More Info

    2.1General Credits
  • Social Media on Trial: A Modern Tool for a Modern Lawyer

    Social media gets a lot of controversy in the legal industry. Some only view it as a way to market their practice, while others have tapped in to more of its potential. This CLE program will guide you how to use social media and the pitfalls that come with using it, research your clients and cases, and efficiently get the latest legal news for your industry. We will talk specific strategies and you will be given resources to utilize in every aspect of practice. More Info

    1.3General Credits

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