Indiana CLE - Intellectual Property Courses

This is a listing of Intellectual Property CLE Courses for Indiana. Please make your selection below of Indiana CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • What You and Your Clients Need to Know About the USPTO’s Post-Registration Audit

    Removing “deadwood” (registrations for marks that are not in use in commerce) from the Trademark Register has become an increasingly important priority for the USPTO in recent years. A few years ago, the USPTO instituted a permanent post-registration audit program by which it requires trademark registrants who file a Declaration of Use to submit proof of use for two additional items in each class, beyond the product for which a specimen is submitted. This webinar will teach you about th... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Why Lawyers Need to Bill Strategically in an Age of Legal Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial intelligence, in terms of developments like ChatGPT, is new to a lot of people, but the idea of using computers to "outsource" certain work -- such as repetitive work -- away from lawyers has been around for a while. Because computers don't get tired, bored, hungry, or distracted, they're actually better at certain tasks than humans are. But we're not ready for "robolawyers" just yet. There's plenty of room for computers and lawyers not only to co-exist but also to keep f... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Legal Guide to Social Media Advertising around the Globe

    Truth in advertising becomes even more complicated when social media is thrown into the mix. In this format, what exactly constitutes advertising, and what are the rules that advertisers muse adhere to? This CLE course will offer a detailed look at advertising in the social media age and include discussions of transparency, sponsorship, endorsements, user-generated content, and affiliate marketing. The course will provide an overview of FTC guidelines and case studies describing how those gui... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Balancing Free Speech against Disinformation: Discussing the DOJ’s Recommended Reforms to Section 230

    Section 230 is the law that shields websites from liability for content posted by third parties. Over time, the immunities provided by the law have grown substantially. Is the benefit of a free, open internet that fosters innovation and creativity worth the tradeoff in terms of criminal activity and misinformation? This CLE course will review the origins of Section 230 to ensure practitioners have a solid understanding of why the law was enacted and what harms it was intended to protec... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Bitcoin: Time For Lawyers To Take A Byte

    The economic impact of digital evolution is a reality of our daily lives. Over the past decade, the “Internet of Things” replaced the “Internet of Information.” Today and since the emergence of blockchain technology, we are seeing a sweeping wave of the “Internet of Value” gradually taking over the web and yielding in its wake a transformation of our economic systems deeper than the first two waves combined. Open a magazine, nowadays, and you’re bound to find an article discuss... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Copyright Infringement: How to Defend Lawsuits and Protect Assets

    The instructors provide an overview on copyright infringement, the importance of registration, fair use or unsure defense. They touch on the available damages for copyright and the importance of registration, delving into the actual damages and profits. The discussion also covers liability for the actions of employees, and the use of independent contractors and the avoidance of liability. With a strong bases on theory and its practical implications, the discussion advances to protecting assets i... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Copyright Reversion 101, 201 and 601: Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Issues on Termination of Grants and Licenses

    US Copyright Law provides authors, artists, musicians and other creative people and their heirs the right to terminate certain prior grants of copyright. Obviously, the termination or “recapture” of copyrights can have huge commercial implications. But the statutory rules governing copyright termination are complex. Who can terminate a copyright grant? What grants can be terminated? How does a copyright owner give notice of an attempt to terminate? And what is the practical effect of terminati... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Copyright, Fair Use, and Looking Toward the Future

    This CLE program will introduce viewers to the basics of copyright law and to the affirmative, and often judicially expanding, defense of “fair use.” The instructor will explain the significance of Google v. Oracle, which was recently been argued before the Supreme Court, and its potential impact on the judicial interpretation of what constitutes “fair use”. Some recent copyright regulations, such as one permitting for group registration of short online works, and pending legislation will als... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Cyber Security Compliance Trifecta: Recent Revisions to Three Important Security & Privacy Standards

    Cybersecurity compliance concerns have emerged as a forefront issue for both large and small enterprises. Revisions of three important standards or requirements were published recently and will have far reaching cybersecurity compliance implications. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released Spec. Pub 800-53 (Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations), the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council published PCI-DSS 4.0, and... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Defamation and The First Amendment of Speech

    The First Amendment has a complicated history with issues such as defamation, hate speech, and incitement. This CLE course will cover some significant and evolving elements that specifically relate to how defamation intersects with the First Amendment. The course will provide practitioners with the understanding of the complex issues that might be of concern to clients, and how to identify and address these issues. No prior knowledge of defamation is required. More Info

    1.1General Credits

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