Tennessee CLE - Contract Law Courses

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  • A Search for Perfection: Fundamentals of UCC Article 9

    Article 9 of the UCC contains a dense set of technical rules relating to secured transactions, all of which can be challenging to unwind. This course is intended to provide a general survey of some the key ideas concerning Article 9, outlining concepts that attorneys should know. Taking a practical approach to exploring Article 9, delving into the fundamentals, from the definition of secured transactions to potential remedies from defaults incurred under the statute. This CLE C... More Info

    1.17General Credits
  • Advising a Client as to the Purchase of a Franchise

    This CLE lecture will focus on providing information to a prospective franchisee as to the purchase of a franchise. The lecture will concentrate on the provisions contained in the franchisor’s Franchise Disclosure Document, typical provisions in the Franchise Agreement and the political ramifications as to where a franchisee should locate his franchise. More Info

    1.07General Credits
  • AI, Fair Use, and Representing Comic Book Creators and Publishers

    This CLE course dives deep into the comic book industry, unveiling the past year of explosive growth and seismic legal changes. We’ll give you a understanding of the pros and cons of AI-generated artwork and suggested approaches for contract drafting to avoid critical IP-pitfalls; discuss the impact of fair use in visual arts following the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith decision; and give you a “chef’s tour” of representing the comic book client today. In th... More Info

    3General Credits
  • Basic Business Lawyering For Small Company Clients

    Providing business law services to small company clients is similar to…but is not the same …as doing so for a medium sized or larger company. This CLE course is primarily directed to (a) beginning lawyers who plan to practice business law; (b) experienced lawyers who have switched, or plan to switch from other practice areas to business law and (c) in either case, to mostly represent “smaller” companies (e.g., typically less than $100M annual revenue; less than 500 employees). The cour... More Info

    3.62General Credits
  • BIZ BUZZ: Starting, Buying and Selling Small Businesses

    Big Buzz covers five different ways small entities enter into or leave small businesses. Starting, buying, selling or franchising a business involves numerous steps, analyses and understandings of the legalities and the realities. The lecturer approaches these multifaceted issues from the standpoint of an attorney handling more than 30 biz closings per year, from the standpoint of an investor in a number of small businesses, and from the standpoint of someone who has owned successful a... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Broker Lien Rights: What Attorneys Need to Know

    This CLE course offers an overview of commercial real estate broker lien rights in 34 states, taught by a 46 year attorney who authored or lobbied on behalf of roughly half of those statutes. Topics addressed include the scope of commission claims which are protected, legislative history, the prerequisites for the lien claim, timing, and key tips on enforcement. Hear from the author of these statutes and his 31 years of lien practice in multiple states, from drafting the lien, assertin... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Business Law Strategy & Contract Drafting: Considerations for Maximizing, Monetizing & Preserving Client's Patent Rights

    This CLE course will provide information that every business law attorney should know about patent law. During this course, you will learn about why NDA’s are so important, the most important parts of a patent application, things to consider when drafting employment agreements, and also, methods for dealing with patent infringement cost-effectively on e-commerce platforms, including Amazon Seller Amazon Patent Evaluation Express (APEX) Program. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Business Valuation for Attorneys

    Determination of the value of a client’s business or business interest is often a necessary element in meeting a client’s needs. Understanding the valuation process and the potential results can make a huge difference to the outcome for the client. Divorce, estate planning, and partnership disputes, in addition to sales, purchases and other transactions, are just some of the circumstances where valuation is a critical factor. This Seminar reviews the po... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Conducting Sexual Harassment Investigations at Law Firms

    Internal investigations are always complex, and even more so when investigating sexual harassment within your firm. This CLE course will guide you through the various legal issues and requirements and offer a step-by-step guide for conducting investigations in accordance with current statutes. The course will address internal communications, contractual obligations, validity and enforceability, and attorney client privilege. Relevant case law will be presented. More Info

    1.05General Credits
  • Defying Limits: Breaking the Boundaries of Adverse Possession

    Adverse possession is a phrase we all learned in law school, and then promptly forgot. But the concept has been with human society for millennia, and will likely last until the final day a person walks the earth. So long as the elements are met, adverse possession gives people the right to automatically be deemed owners of real estate that they may not have purchased – even without filing a suit for such relief. This CLE course will address the various secrets, critical elements, and... More Info

    2.02General Credits

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