Mississippi CLE - Sports and Entertainment Courses

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  • A Lawyers Guide to Theatre Production

    Donald C. Farber has been practicing Entertainment Law for over 50 years. His vast experience in theatre resulted from his having to learn on the job. As a result, he wrote his first book on producing an Off-Broadway play. This course could easily take its title from that of his book, “From Option to Opening.” This course sets forth exactly what one must legally do to represent a play from beginning to end--that is from the Option to Opening. Along the way, after discussion of the O... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • Sports and the Law

    Over the past couple of years there have been crises in professional sports, with the expiration of the Collective Bargaining Agreements in Football, Basketball and Baseball and with lockouts and litigation taking the place of games in the headlines. The presenter, the Chair of the Sports Business faculty at New York University and a former sports agent and sports law expert explains why this year has been so different both practically and legally speaking. In something of a paradoxical situ... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Representing the Players: A Guide to Sports Contracts

    From the viewpoint of Hollywood, the life of a sports agent is about representing celebrity players, traveling to exciting places and mingling with the media. While that may be true, behind the scenes, the contracts which bind players to those who represent them is part of an area of law that is both complex and fascinating. This CLE course will explain the various types of sports contracts and their restrictions, as well as the potential ethical issues involved. The course will also review th... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Players on the Picket Line: Sports Lockouts

    When we think of unions and strikes, teachers and municipal workers are often what come to mind. Beyond that, there is little differentiation made between a strike and a lockout. Surprisingly, they are very distinct and the issue of unions, strikes and lockouts is not limited to those professions, but extends to athletes as well. This CLE course, a must for sports agents, attorneys and aficionados and presented by Robert Boland Esq., will review all the essential information about Sports Lock... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Employment Law: An Entertainment Industry Perspective

    A raft of common employment practices are now putting media and entertainment companies at risk. For example, incorrect classification of interns, volunteers, independent contractors, and full-time workers have all recently led to big legal headaches for small, mid-size, and even larger companies. Similarly, missteps in grants of equity to employees are leading to nasty tax consequences for employers and employees, souring relationships. Listen as two experienced employment lawyers review rece... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Donald Sterling & the NBA: Speech, Property Rights, Antitrust and the Law of Professional Sports Leagues

    The controversial statements of Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling, that were recorded and now have become the basis of his potentially being banned for life from the NBA and forced to sell his team, one he bought for $12 million dollars but one that may be worth more than one billion dollars provides a backdrop for an examination of the power of commissioners and the law that underpins professional sports leagues in North America. Who should watch this CLE? Anyone who is int... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The End of Amateurism, Unionization and Antitrust: The Legal Challenges Facing Collegiate Athletics

    The United States is the only country in the world to have a highly evolved and revenue producing intercollegiate sports structure. Taken as a whole, college sports in the U.S. would be the third largest sports league behind only the NFL and MLB, generating somewhere between $6-$9 billion dollars annually. In positioning institutions of higher learning, sports may hold a place that is even more crucial than the dollars they produce as they can transform a university from the standpoint of per... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Major League Baseball and Alex Rodriguez: An Opportunity to Examine Ethical Issues Arising from Labor Arbitration

    It played out like a soap opera on the pages of news and television screens across the nation. It may have been the most discussed and covered labor penalty appeal arbitration in history but the investigation, discipline and controversy generated by Major League Baseball's suspension of superstar Alex Rodriguez for 162 games, all of the 2014 season, the longest suspension short of a lifetime ban issued in baseball history opens the door for a deeper examination of potentially conflicting legal a... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Legal Issues of the Golf Industry: How to Stay out of the Hazards and Avoid Penalties

    Can you copyright a golf hole? How does copyright law apply to and affect a designers choices in designing and building a golf course? Take a walk through sports history and visit some of the greatest courses in the world while learning the ins and outs of copyright law. This course will also address issues concerning personal injury, trademark law, rights of publicity, real estate, and more. So shine up your clubs as well as your CLE credits! More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Introduction to Art Law

    A relatively recent term, “art law” refers to a complex and interdisciplinary body of law that governs the creation, ownership, and sale of art. Whether your client is an artist, gallery, creditor, private collector, donor, museum, or not-for-profit organization, understanding the legal fundamentals that underlie this industry is essential to effective counseling. Introduction to Art Law is designed as a course in the basics of art law, focusing on the legal relationships among the va... More Info

    1.2General Credits

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