Mississippi CLE - Religious Law Courses

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  • Custody Decisions: When God and Culture Have a Say

    This CLE lecture will present an analysis of cases relating to custody matters characterized by the issues of culture and religion, as well as the difference on these issues between the two parents. It will review case law and psychological protocols that are used to understand what factors a court will consider and what weight it will attribute in the handling of these matters. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Does Jewish Law Like Lawyers? Building a Just Legal System

    Lawyers have a unique appreciation of the pitfalls of overly zealous representation, and of the need for codes of professional responsibility that regulate an attorney’s behavior. Unexpectedly, ancient Jewish legal texts contain crucial lessons regarding the distinction between good and bad lawyering. In this CLE, a professor at Pepperdine University School of Law delves into the sources and provides a new perspective on lawyer ethics. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Female Testimony in Beit Din: An Untold Story of Halachic Justice

    Contemporary rabbinical courts accept testimony even from classes of individuals who are barred from testifying under Biblical law. In this fascinating discussion about how Jewish justice operates in the sphere of rabbinical court decision making, an expert in religious arbitration law from Pepperdine University School of Law describes the interplay between religious law and societal norms. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Freedom of Contract or Freedom from Contract? A Comparison of the Various Jewish and American Traditions

    This CLE course will explore the evolution of contract law, focusing on the different models of contracts in Talmudic and American law. In particular, this course will discuss how Jewish law sought to construct a functioning legal system without a clear doctrine of bi-lateral contracts. Emphasis will be placed on both the sale of land and the sale of other goods. Additionally, this presentation will concentrate on freedom of contract as a legal doctrine. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Hot Topics in Beth Din Jurisprudence

    Rabbinical court arbitrators charged with resolving contemporary disputes must are often faced with the challenge of applying age old Jewish law doctrines to relatively new legal and commercial concepts. This CLE course explores the substantive Jewish and secular law regarding defamation claims and intellectual property litigation, and how batei din (rabbinical courts) navigate these areas. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Laws Of Arbitration As It Applies to Rabbinical Courts

    A client request for representation in rabbinical court, known as Beit Din, may not be a daily occurrence, but when it does happen, attorneys had best be prepared. Though not by any means antiquated, the rabbinical court system has rules and regulations that most attorneys are unfamiliar with. This CLE course will explain the proper procedures for navigating the rabbinical court system, and will explain the relevant arbitration agreements and processes as well as the relationship between the s... More Info

    1General Credit
  • New York’s Brand-New Power of Attorney

    This CLE will discuss the brand new Power of Attorney law that took effect recently. Elizabeth Forspan, Esq. will go through the major changes to the form and how attorneys and others should plan accordingly. Elizabeth will review the key items to include in new powers of attorney being prepared. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Reasonable Accommodations for Employees Religious Beliefs Under Title VII

    Title VII of the Civil Rights Act requires that employers accommodate the religious beliefs of their employees pursuant to. Ensuring that employers understand the meaning of this and how to ensure legal compliance is no easy task. This informative webinar will provide an in-depth understanding of what Title VII requires for religious accommodations, how the interactive process under Title VII differs from the ADA interactive process and what some of the legal pitfalls that can derail a... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Religion and Estate Planning

    Planning a client’s estate involves more than just the transfer of wealth. To draft a customized plan that achieves a client’s unique goals requires an understanding the client’s values and convictions, and in many cases, his or her religious beliefs. A recent Gallup Poll on the role of religion in the United States, 37% of respondents self-identified as “Highly Religious.” That same year Americans donated upwards of $127B to support religious organizations and causes. Yet despite the central... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Beth Din of America and Agunah Prevention

    This CLE course presents a detailed Jewish law discussion of the Beth Din of America’s prenuptial agreement for prevention of agunah cases (situations where a woman remains trapped in a marriage that has functionally ended due to the husband’s unwillingness to participate in the Jewish divorce process). The course also touches upon newer similar documents promulgated by other rabbinical courts, and some of the case law that has emerged from cases involving enforcement of the Beth Din of Ameri... More Info

    1General Credit

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