Minnesota CLE - Constitutional Law Courses

This is a listing of Constitutional Law CLE Courses for Minnesota. Please make your selection below of Minnesota CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • On-Demand
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    Legal Liability of The Cruise Industry for COVID-19 Related Injuries and Deaths of Passengers and Crew

    This course will examine the recent slew of cases involving suits by passengers against cruise lines for damages relating to the Covid-19 Pandemic. It will also examine ship-owner liability to crews under traditional principles of Maritime Law and the Jones Act. Particular attention will be paid to claims for emotional distress where passengers were exposed to the virus and quarantined but never contracted the virus. More Info

    1General Credit
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    Successful Negotiations in Presidential History

    Negotiations are sometimes referred to as "the art of the possible". This course, entitled "Negotiations and the Modern Presidency" will utilize US presidential history as a backdrop for analyzing successful, and failed, negotiations and what we can learn from them. Topics to be explored are: Basic principles of negotiation Changes brought about in post-World War II America Negotiations and the civil rights movement Negotiating America's role in the world Negotiating War and Pea... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • On-Demand
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    Section 230: Kings of the Internet

    Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (“CDA”) grants immunity from civil liability to the heads of online social media companies, empowering them to delete, modify or censor material they deem “objectionable,” or even ban or de-platform individuals at their discretion. They can do all this even if the material deleted “is constitutionally protected.” Since online platforms have become a main source of information for most of the world, this means that a few individuals are th... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
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    Cutting Through the Noise: A Primer on Title VII Protections, Sexual Harassment, Racial Discrimination in the Workplace

    In light of the plethora of sexual harassment and racial discrimination incidents we hear about in the media, this course has been developed to cut through some of the misconceptions surrounding the legal aspects of these matters and provides key information about legal responsibilities relating to workplace practices. This is an ideal primer for newer attorneys or those who do not practice in the employment law arena. We will cover the basic protections against discrimination in the w... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • On-Demand
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    Psychedelics: A Selection of Trending Legal and Legislative Issues

    Psychedelics are appearing with consistently greater frequency in the popular media with projections that they will launch a new era in mental health care. Stories about the flow of investments into start-ups intending to take psychedelics through the federal drug approval process appear side-by-side with stories about the movement of state legislation intended to decriminalize psychedelics or create licensed psychedelic treatment centers. This CLE program will examine what psychedelic... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
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    Defending DWAI Drug Cases

    This CLE course is intended to provide tools with which NY criminal defense attorneys can digest and attack the evidence utilized in DWAI drug cases. We are seeing an increase in the inflexibility of prosecutors to offer standard reductions in DWAI drug cases which requires more of these cases to proceed to hearings and a trial. The speaker will discuss blood test results and how to use them to affirmatively attack the People’s case. Additionally, we will dissect the drug recognitio... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • On-Demand
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    Current Trends in Asylum Cases: The Asylum Officer Rule

    A few days ago, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice began implementing a new rule to quickly grant asylum to applicants who are subject to expedited removal and who are eligible for asylum, and to promptly remove those who are not. This new rule seeks to streamline the asylum process and lighten the load of the overburdened immigration courts. Only time will tell if the rule will achieve its goals. We will review the new mechanism, focusing on due process... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
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    War Crimes, Sanctions & The War In The Ukraine: A Review Of The Legal Aspects Of The Current War & The Laws That Apply

    During the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russian authorities and armed forces were accused of committing war crimes by carrying out both deliberate attacks against civilian targets and indiscriminate attacks in densely populated areas. The Russian military allegedly exposed the civilian population to unnecessary and disproportionate harm by using cluster munitions – a type of weapon that is prohibited by 110 states because of its immediate and long-term danger to civilians– and by firing other... More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • On-Demand
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    Diversity and Race in Jury Selection

    This course will take a historical look at diversity and race in jury selection and how “all-white juries” have led to infamous miscarriages of justice throughout the years. We will also examine how the Supreme Court has addressed racial discrimination in jury selection from the 1880s to present day, and how various courts have recently addressed this issue. Lastly, we will look at what states across the country are currently doing to limit racial discrimination in jury selecti... More Info

    1.25Elimination Bias
  • On-Demand
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    The Hatch Act and Politics in the Federal Workplace

    This CLE course provides guidance to Attorneys who work for Federal agencies, and addresses the thorny issues related to partisan politics and Federal employment. The Hatch Act (codified in 5 U.S.C. 7321 - 7326) was passed and signed into law in 1939 as the "Act to Prevent Pernicious Political Activities," so these issues have clearly been around for over 80 years, and yet they still prove challenging for Federal supervisors and attorneys to this day. In an era off particularly divisive enviro... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
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    Criminal Defense of #MeToo Cases

    Experienced sex crimes defense attorneys and former federal prosecutors discuss the nuances of sex crimes trial defense during the #MeToo era. The speakers will discuss unique criminal defense aspects to consider during the investigative, pre-trial, trial, and post-trial phases of a sex crimes case. Highlights include: strategy concerning use of experts, discussion of confessions and inculpatory statements of the accused, cross-examination of alleged sex victims, and other strategies a... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
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    Reasonable Accommodations for Employees Religious Beliefs Under Title VII

    Title VII of the Civil Rights Act requires that employers accommodate the religious beliefs of their employees pursuant to. Ensuring that employers understand the meaning of this and how to ensure legal compliance is no easy task. This informative webinar will provide an in-depth understanding of what Title VII requires for religious accommodations, how the interactive process under Title VII differs from the ADA interactive process and what some of the legal pitfalls that can derail a... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
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    ADA: Reasonable Accommodations and the Interactive Process

    The ADA is one of the most complicated and legalistic employment laws out there. This CLE will ensure that employers better understand the legal compliance obligations under the ADA including engaging in the interactive process when an employee has requested a reasonable accommodation. Making sure you get the interactive process correct is tricky for employers. What questions can you ask and what medical documentation can you request. How do you even know if an employee meets the d... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
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    ADA, ADAAA and EEOC Regulations

    Perhaps the most difficult law to understand and ensure legal compliance with is the ADA and the ADAAA. Moreover, the EEOC has issued extensive regulations to ensure legal compliance. This CLE program will ensure that you understand the legal ins and outs of this law, how to know what constitutes a disability within the meaning of the ADA and how to recognize when an employee has requested a reasonable accommodation. This CLE will provide the answers to your most difficult AD... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Hot Topics in Employment Law Since #MeToo

    The #MeToo movement has been a transformational groundswell that rolled out from breaking news several years ago. The bombshell exposé published by The New York Times brought to light decades of sexual harassment, discrimination and abuse by Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, launched the movement and has led to dramatic social and legal change. Following the Weinstein exposé, #MeToo roared across social media platforms, onto the streets and into the courtrooms, as countless individuals share... More Info

    2General Credits
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Challenging the Impermissible Use of Race in Jury Selection

    The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in the case of Curtis Flowers highlighted the fact that far too often prosecutors in our nation impermissibly use race when exercising peremptory challenges. This CLE presentation will provide criminal defense attorneys with the tools they need to fight against this unethical tactic. More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
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    Understanding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: How the Law Created Inequity

    The phrase “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” words often heard and even debated - encapsulates efforts to equalize opportunity. Understanding the need or purpose for DEI efforts requires an appreciation for how the law itself embedded inequity. This CLE course will cover the myriad of laws and judicial pronouncements that have embedded inequity in our culture and economy. From the constitution to seminal cases - some taught at a superficial level at grade school and others not taught at a... More Info

    1Elimination Bias
  • On-Demand
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    Free Speech, Trademarks and Parody at the Crossroads: “Jack Daniels vs Bad Spaniels”

    Is someone infringing on your trademark? How about your copyright or patent? Do you want to protect your invention with a patent? Is clearing and registering your trademark and your Copyright one of your business objectives? Are you interested in securing a licensing agreement either as a licensor or a licensee? Do you need help with your talent agreement? Do you want to know how to leverage your Intellectual Property through licensing and merchandising? Have you or your company just been ser... More Info

    2General Credits
  • On-Demand
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    Being a DEIA Agent of Change in The Legal Workplace and Beyond

    Being a DEIA Agent of Change in the Legal Workplace and Beyond is an introductory course to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) concepts and initiatives from a legal perspective. The course begins by discussing the definition of DEIA and related concepts. The course also provides some background about the legal history of DEIA initiatives and responses in America, with a focus on the Civil War era, Civil Rights Movement, and DEIA’s recent evolution and backlash. The c... More Info

    1Elimination Bias
  • On-Demand
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    Search and Seizure Fundamentals

    In this CLE presentation, retired FLETC Senior Legal Instructor will provide a functional overview of search and seizure law under the Fourth Amendment. The presentation will start with and introduction to the Fourth Amendment, followed by a look at when the Fourth Amendment applies, and finishes will an overview of the many judicially-recognized exceptions to the warrant requirement of the Fourth Amendment. More Info

    2General Credits
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Equity & Inclusion Confusion: Discrimination and Other Trending Employment Law Topics for Non-Employment Lawyers

    This CLE will introduce non-employment lawyers to employment law, beginning with the unusually challenging question of employee vs. independent contractor and the implications of worker classification. We will summarize federal laws governing the employment relationship including Title VII, The Americans with Disabilities Act, The Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, and the new Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, among others. We will also outline the... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Sexual Harassment, “Me Too” Allegations, and Settlement Agreements: A Necessary Perspective for Counsel

    This interactive CLE session will identify the issues that counsel must recognize and understand to effectively advise clients on the need for a policy against sexual harassment and employee training, the difference between company policy and what constitutes sexual harassment under federal law, the merits of a claim of sexual harassment and assessing potential costs and the risk of litigation. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Trial of a Police Liability Case Under Section 1983

    Master the trial of a police liability case under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 – whether yours is a high- frequency or high-exposure case, and whether you represent the plaintiff or the defense. Using examples, this practical CLE program will cover the pretrial and settlement conference and preparation of your witnesses. It then goes to the trial itself: jury selection for your side, opening statements, effective examination and cross-examination of plaintiff’s and defense witnesses on both liabil... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    ON STRIKE! The Law of Labor Conflict

    Union organizing and strikes are on the rise. While the federal law governing labor-management relations has changed little in decades, recent decisions of the National Labor Relations Board and evolving methods of workplace protest are changing the landscape of traditional union activity. This course examines the fundamental provisions of the National Labor Relations Act and its amendments relating to labor strikes, picketing, boycotts, and other protest activities, in both union an... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Roe v Wade: Abortion Post Dobbs

    In this CLE course, the Instructor will discuss the recent Dobbs’ decision in which the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) found that there is no federal right to abortion and overruled both "Roe v. Wade" and " Planned Parenthood v. Casey". This created a sea change in federal Due Process law particularly concerning the rights of liberty and privacy. The Instructor explains the over 100—page decision in practical terms and discusses possible litigation, which could result from... More Info

    1General Credit

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