Indiana CLE - Sports and Entertainment Courses

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  • Introduction to Art Law

    A relatively recent term, “art law” refers to a complex and interdisciplinary body of law that governs the creation, ownership, and sale of art. Whether your client is an artist, gallery, creditor, private collector, donor, museum, or not-for-profit organization, understanding the legal fundamentals that underlie this industry is essential to effective counseling. Introduction to Art Law is designed as a course in the basics of art law, focusing on the legal relationships among the va... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • Major League Baseball and Alex Rodriguez: An Opportunity to Examine Ethical Issues Arising from Labor Arbitration

    It played out like a soap opera on the pages of news and television screens across the nation. It may have been the most discussed and covered labor penalty appeal arbitration in history but the investigation, discipline and controversy generated by Major League Baseball's suspension of superstar Alex Rodriguez for 162 games, all of the 2014 season, the longest suspension short of a lifetime ban issued in baseball history opens the door for a deeper examination of potentially conflicting legal a... More Info

    1Ethics Credit

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