Is There Any Evidence For This Evidence: What Experienced Trial Lawyers Must Know About The Evidence Code

SKU: TRN0010

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About This Course

This CLE program provides practical application of the Evidence Code under Federal Rules of Evidence (with reference to some state codes), including sections on Scope (when rules apply, preliminary questions, limitations on admissibility, etc.).

  • Judicial Notice (when courts can assume the truth of commonly known things);
  • Presumptions (regarding burdens, inferences and presumptions);Relevance (what kinds of evidence is deemed relevant and admissible or when such relevant evidence may nonetheless not be shown to a jury, etc.);
  • Privileges (attorney-client and other relevant privileges);
  • Witnesses (who may testify and to what extent they may be examined);
  • Expert Witnesses (the extent to which Experts may offer testimony/evidence);
  • Hearsay (when out-of-court statements may be utilized or when such information will otherwise be deemed admissible/inadmissible); and Authentication (of documents, pictures, duplicates, public records, other information)

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