Expertly Examining the Expert Witness: Depositions, Hearings and Trials

SKU: TRN0020

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About This Course

This CLE program is designed to help you prepare for and best examine the expert witness. You will learn about how to gather information in preparation for the deposition of (or trial testimony for) the expert, and how to shape a thorough inquiry for the complete examination of the expert witness, including but not limited to:

  • inquiring about the background of the expert and the typical areas in which they have been approved to render expert opinions,
  • the relative bias of the expert;
  • the circumstances under which they came to be retained by the opposing party;
  • the width and breadth of the witness qualifications in general and to testify in this particular case; the expert’s reliance (or failure to rely) on authoritative materials;
  • the information provided and not provided to the expert;
  • the expert’s specific knowledge of the facts of this particular case;
  • the information supporting the opinions rendered by the expert; how to set up Daubert or other reliability and credibility challenges or limitation-related arguments;
  • how to inquiry about and fully examine the actual opinions of the expert, the expert’s prior testimony on subjects relating to the opinions rendered in this case;
  • how to get the expert to endorse of your expert or the materials that your expert has relied upon; how to inquire about whether the expert believes that any additional work is needed to finalize the opinions;
  • and other specific questions to ask an expert witness

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