Ohio CLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for Ohio. Please make your selection below of Ohio CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Statutory Interpretation: Do the Words “because of… sex” Include “Sexual Orientation” and “Transgender Identity”?

    “…because of sex.” They seem like simple words, but are integral in the context of employment discrimination. This CLE course will address prior United States Supreme Court litigation such as Hopkins and Oncale regarding whether sexual orientation and transgender identity were included in the statutory definition of “sex.” The course will evaluate three cases before the Court decided on the basis of statutory interpretation, and how they address the question of the court’s st... More Info

    4.25General Credits
  • Lost in Translation The Pitfalls of Obtaining Testimony Across Boundaries of Language, Culture and Class

    Interpretation is an art not a science. That's why obtaining testimony is very often like an under-educated laborer from another universe describing the truth to an artist who then must describe it to an engineer. As an attorney even if you are a native speaker of the language of the witness a lot can get lost in the translation. This course will explain many of the pitfalls and limitations of interpretation throughout our judicial system and then illuminate some of the most common iss... More Info

    4General Credits
  • Basic Business Lawyering For Small Company Clients

    Providing business law services to small company clients is similar to…but is not the same …as doing so for a medium sized or larger company. This CLE course is primarily directed to (a) beginning lawyers who plan to practice business law; (b) experienced lawyers who have switched, or plan to switch from other practice areas to business law and (c) in either case, to mostly represent “smaller” companies (e.g., typically less than $100M annual revenue; less than 500 employees). The cour... More Info

    3.75General Credits
  • Antitrust Primer in The Age of The Internet/Information

    What is driving the recent upsurge in competition law enforcement by the FTC, the DOJ Antitrust Division, the States and in private litigation? To address this question, this course provides an antitrust primer with background from key, foundational cases addressing single firm and joint conduct that violate the antitrust laws. We then focus on the major antitrust cases recently brought by the government targeting alleged monopolists with platform dominance in the Tech Sector. More Info

    3.25General Credits
  • Metaverse and the Law

    Metaverse is the “new new” technology term. It does not refer to any specific emerging technology. It refers to the way these emerging technologies will interoperate to implement new efficiencies like autonomous driving and virtual adventures like augmented reality that combines aspects of the digital and physical worlds . The metaverse is the convergence of the physical and digital worlds The metaverse also translates to a digital economy involving decentralized autonomous organizations trans... More Info

    3General Credits
  • AI, Fair Use, and Representing Comic Book Creators and Publishers

    This CLE course dives deep into the comic book industry, unveiling the past year of explosive growth and seismic legal changes. We’ll give you a understanding of the pros and cons of AI-generated artwork and suggested approaches for contract drafting to avoid critical IP-pitfalls; discuss the impact of fair use in visual arts following the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith decision; and give you a “chef’s tour” of representing the comic book client today. In th... More Info

    3General Credits
  • Things That Make you Go Hmmm... Points That Every Real Estate Attorney Needs to Know

    This CLE lecture is intended to cover matters that many real estate attorneys are familiar with, that they've heard of, but they cannot readily place their finger on the why's, the how's and the when's. As such, we want to get to the source of these queries. Furthermore, we intend to expand upon new developments, including the legislative endeavor to legalize what are, otherwise, "illegal apartments". We further intend to discuss ineffective deed transfers, and lastly, the latest regul... More Info

    2.75General Credits
  • Hero-at-Law: The Law and Practice of Representing Comic Book Creators and Publishers

    In this CLE course, we present an overview of the comic book industry over the past two years, highlight new areas of litigation and transactional work, and provide the fundamentals of representing comic book industry clients. We will explore the pros and cons of AI-generated works and myriad new cases impacting the comic book and graphic novel publishers and the attorneys who represent them. More Info

    2.75General Credits
  • A Voyage Through the Terrain of NYS Administrative Hearings

    This CLE course is designed to assist new or unfamiliar attorneys and Administrative Law Judges to understand general aspects of New York State administrative adjudicatory proceedings. The itinerary includes instruction on the initial establishment of the New York State administrative hearing process, administrative law judges vs. other judges, the basic skills needed to conduct hearings, the relevant components of a hearing, the roles and functions of the parties and how to implement... More Info

    2.75General Credits
  • Summations and Litigation War Stories

    Join us for a program focusing on the importance of summation during a trial, tips and successful techniques, as well as lessons learned from years of litigation experiences from our expert faculty and ethical considerations. More Info

    2.5General Credits

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