Coronavirus, HIPAA, Telecommuting and Force Majeure: What Every Organization Needs to Know

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About This Course

Today’s webinar focuses on the ongoing issues associated with Coronavirus pandemic and its application to HIPAA, Telecommuting and Force Majeure provisions. The particular areas, which will be covered are as follows: (1) brief overview of the Coronavirus, quarantine and the allocation of resources from a bioethics perspective; (2) HIPAA – Privacy and Security Rule Requirements; (3) teleworker requirements; & (4) force majeure contractual provisions.

At the end of this program, participants should have a semblance of the following:

  • 1. HIPAA - the parameters of disclosing a coronavirus diagnosis;
  • 2. Telecommuting - as well as maintaining Privacy Rule and Security Rule compliance when requiring employees or contractors to work from home; and
  • 3. Force majeure contractual clauses and potential interpretations during a pandemic.

*This course qualifies as a Transitional course and can be taken by both Experienced and Newly Admitted attorneys in NY.

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