New York CLE - Family Law Courses

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  • The Intersection between Immigration and Matrimonial Law

    Our panel of experts, an attorney specializing in family and matrimonial law, and an attorney specializing in immigration and nationality law, will discuss issues relating to immigration law as it arises in prenuptial agreements and divorce proceedings. They will address how the veracity of a marriage is determined when questions of citizenship arise, along with focusing on ethical issues that arise in such matters. More Info

    1.5Skills Credits
  • The Intersection of Elder Law and Estate Planning

    Elder law is the practice of several different but intersecting areas of law. This CLE course, presented by attorney Aaron Futterman, will offer a comprehensive overview of elder law and estate planning and the legal issues as they relate to matrimony, personal injury, trusts, real estate, social security, taxes, and debtor/credit law. The course will also explain its impact on Medicaid, Medicare, guardianship, and veterans’ benefits. Recent updates, especially related to changes in the tax la... More Info

    1Prof Practice
  • Introduction to Divorce Actions in New Jersey

    This CLE course will provide a primer and broad overview of the divorce process in New Jersey. The course is geared for new attorneys, or seasoned attorneys who have not previously practiced in the area of family law. The course will discuss both the procedural and substantive issues that arise in divorce actions. It will also touch on the availability and use of Alternate Dispute Resolution techniques. More Info

    1Prof Practice
  • Counterclaiming for Custody and Addressing Problems with Discovery

    The Georgia Legislature amended O.C.G.A. §19-9-23. This CLE course will address the old law versus the new law regarding counterclaims for custody. In addition, this CLE course will walk through the necessary steps to deal with discovery violations, including how to obtain attorney fees, when an opposing counsel refuses to comply with discovery. More Info

    1Prof Practice
  • The Art of Divorce: Art as Marital Property, Treatment of Art in Prenups, Valuation Issues, Division and Beyond

    Divorce tears families apart in every way – including with regards to artwork. And while in many instances it’s custody of the children or who gets to keep the house that garners the most attention, a collection of prized art can be a hard fought battle in a divorce negotiation. This CLE course will explain how to navigate the issues of art as marital property, how to value pieces and collections, strategies for dividing property and addressing artwork in pre-nuptial agreements. More Info

    1.5Prof Practice
  • How to Prepare a Matrimonial Case for Trial Step by Step

    Preparation for a matrimonial trial begins with the first interview with the client. Every step which you take must be geared to preparing for trial. You begin with an initial intake form, the preparation of a complete and detailed Statement of Net Worth and move on to the detailed and thought out preparation of a Preliminary Conference Order. The Preliminary Conference Order should be prepared with great care and thought. Discovery needs should be thought through from the very beginning.... More Info

    3Prof Practice
  • The Beth Din of America and Agunah Prevention

    This CLE course presents a detailed Jewish law discussion of the Beth Din of America’s prenuptial agreement for prevention of agunah cases (situations where a woman remains trapped in a marriage that has functionally ended due to the husband’s unwillingness to participate in the Jewish divorce process). The course also touches upon newer similar documents promulgated by other rabbinical courts, and some of the case law that has emerged from cases involving enforcement of the Beth Din of Ameri... More Info

    1Prof Practice
  • Mandatory Abuse Reporting for Oregon Attorneys

    Oregon’s elusive education requirements for child and elder abuse reporting can be met in this one, exciting, thrilling, story-based CLE! So while this will certainly be less entertaining than the latest superhero blockbuster, we will use real life examples of what elder abuse and child abuse can look like to walk through what the problem looks like and what an attorney’s reporting responsibilities are. More Info

    1Prof Practice
  • Make Sure Both Sides of the Story are Heard: Breaking Down a Domestic Violence Criminal Case

    Attorney Mark Deniz, a former Domestic Violence Prosecutor will address how to break down a Domestic Violence Criminal Case. This CLE Presentation will provide you with the basics of a domestic violence case. You will learn what makes a criminal charge be classified as a DV case. You will learn the position of Domestic Violence Prosecutors and law enforcement. Finally, we will explore the Stages in a Domestic Violence case. We will end the video going over three case scenarios. More Info

    1.5Prof Practice
  • Family Law Basics

    This CLE course addresses some of the basic issues that counsels in the family law arena will face when dealing with domestic relations cases. The course also encourages counsels to consider the importance of encouraging counseling between the parties, as well as to encourage married parties to consider remaining married when possible for the sake of their families and for the sake of themselves: many people do not consider the long term ramifications and financial implications of divorce, nor... More Info

    1Prof Practice

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