Nevada CLE - Real Estate Courses

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  • Housing Justice 101: Understanding the Fair Housing Act

    In this CLE course, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the Fair Housing Act, a landmark federal law that prohibits housing discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, and disability. This seminar will cover key provisions of the act, including fair housing advertising and marketing, discriminatory practices, and the role of government agencies in enforcing fair housing laws. Participants will also learn about their... More Info

    1General Credit
  • How Covid-19 Legislation has Impacted Commercial Landlord-Tenant Litigation

    The past seventeen months dramatically changed the commercial Landlord-Tenant practice. This CLE course will introduce key legislation and executive orders which impacted a landlord’s ability to collect rent, a tenant’s ability to delay paying rent and a guarantor’s ability to avoid personal liability and practical consideration and suggestions. More Info

    2General Credits
  • How Lawyers Can Represent Brokers Beyond Their State Licensing

    Brokers want to make deals throughout the nation, and chafe at the idea that their single state license will limit their ability or right to legally work on deals in other states. License portability-which is NOT license reciprocity-will allow this to occur, when the broker cooperates with a licensee of the state where the property is located. However, different states have different limitations on just what these out of state brokers can legally do. Learn how to find, inter... More Info

    1General Credit
  • How to Handle Appraisals for Donations of Property

    Overvaluation of real estate gifts is a big issue with the Internal Revenue Service, and this panel will explain that for real estate, art or other property, it’s important to carefully manage the process of appraisal so as not to create unnecessary issues. For example, appraisers may give a high range thinking they’re doing the donor a favor when actually the appraisal may be too high in today's market. The panel will also discuss how the 30% of adjusted gross income limit on gifts o... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Impact of COVID & Lease Accounting Standards

    The corporate lease industry has experienced significant shifts due to the global pandemic, resulting in increasingly complex agreements. To better understand these changes and how they impact both lessees and lessors, join Marc Betesh, CEO and founder of Visual Lease and KBA Lease Services, for a presentation on the commercial real estate landscape. After spending years practicing law and negotiating commercial leases for some of the country’s largest companies, Marc will share his expertise... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Introduction to Chapter 11, Subchapter V: An Accessible and Affordable Option for Small Businesses

    Due to the significant federal and state response to Covid-19, including stimulus payments and eviction moratoriums, bankruptcy filings have reached record lows. However, as funds run out and government programs expire, small businesses looking for a new lifeline may consider Subchapter V of Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. This CLE provides counsel representing creditors and debtors with an introduction to Subchapter V, a roadmap for plan approval, commercial lease issues, a... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Issues To Consider When Drafting Construction Contracts

    This CLE course will provide insight as to the Issues that should be considered when drafting Construction Contracts. The topics discussed are as follows: Drafting Construction Contracts, Mechanics Liens, Termination, Delay Damages, Liquidated v actual damages, Change Orders, Material escalation costs, Insurance and Bonds, and Dispute resolution. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Landlords’ Concerns in Airbnb-ing

    This program presented by an author and leading landlord-tenant practitioner, draws on his experience representing landlords in litigation arising from tenants who sublease out their apartments for short term rentals, usually in violation of the law, typically in violation of their lease. The course looks from multiple angles at the dangers these rentals present to landlords and to the apartment community. It also addresses how landlords can respond to these violations. Finally... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Debt Collection: Best Practices in the Current Environment

    Discover methods that work in the debt collection law practice. Learn where the pitfalls are and how to avoid them. This is a basic course for those who are interested in exploring this field of law. In this CLE we will explore the collection legal practice from beginning to resolution. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Man Your Battle Stations: Construction Claims & Successful Resolution

    You may have known this moment was coming. There were plenty of indications along the way as the work proceeded. You may have instructed your client to keep the right kind of records and compose the right kind of letters as the work proceeded, and hoped your instructions were followed. Or, you may have been introduced late to the project and now are faced with the familiar “it is what it is” when it comes to how your client has handled the situation and the available documentation. E... More Info

    2.5General Credits

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