Nevada CLE - Media and Advertising Courses

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  • A Primer on Trademarks: What Every Practitioner Needs to Know

    In today’s digital world, trademark protection is increasingly critical and complex. This fascinating CLE course will delve into the issue of trademark and over all of the basics issues needed to understand and protect trademarks. The course will explain what trademarks are, review the different types, and explain which terms or images are registrable, the benefits to registered trademarks and how to best prevent infringement. The registration process and available resources will also... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Ad Review Workshop: Part 1

    During this highly interactive and dynamic session, attendees apply FINRA advertising rules to several mock advertisements and uncover the hidden concerns. Attendees work in small groups and present their findings to fellow participants, while moderators present the regulatory perspective, clarify any misperceptions and answer questions. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Advertising Compliance Bootcamp: Select Topics

    This panel will discuss examples of content violations, disclosure and performance standards of SEC Rules, standards for variable insurance product communications, guidance with respect to options communications, presentation of rankings, the core concepts of social media and digital communications, and a list of basic “do’s” and “don’ts.” By the end of the session, you will be able to: Comply with the content standards of FINRA Rule 2210. Apply the: SEC Rules to investment company... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Advertising Compliance: Fundamentals of FINRA Rule 2210

    This CLE course is designed for attorneys who are new to FINRA’s advertising rules or experienced practitioners interested in a refresher. A panel of FINRA professionals provides an overview of FINRA’s Communications With the Public rule, including filing requirements, internal approval and supervision, and content standards. Panelists answer questions about how to apply the rules to financial services communications and marketing materials. More Info

    1General Credit
  • AI, Fair Use, and Representing Comic Book Creators and Publishers

    This CLE course dives deep into the comic book industry, unveiling the past year of explosive growth and seismic legal changes. We’ll give you a understanding of the pros and cons of AI-generated artwork and suggested approaches for contract drafting to avoid critical IP-pitfalls; discuss the impact of fair use in visual arts following the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith decision; and give you a “chef’s tour” of representing the comic book client today. In th... More Info

    3General Credits
  • Bitcoin: Time For Lawyers To Take A Byte

    The economic impact of digital evolution is a reality of our daily lives. Over the past decade, the “Internet of Things” replaced the “Internet of Information.” Today and since the emergence of blockchain technology, we are seeing a sweeping wave of the “Internet of Value” gradually taking over the web and yielding in its wake a transformation of our economic systems deeper than the first two waves combined. Open a magazine, nowadays, and you’re bound to find an article discuss... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Communications Compliance: Current Developments

    This CLE program will discuss current communications compliance and marketing practices. Topics include recent guidance on how FINRA’s communications rules apply in a virtual environment, and how firms can communicate compliantly about ESG and other current investment trends. Panelists will also talk about the regulatory implications of complex products and services such as crypto assets and emerging technologies in the marketing compliance space. After attending this session, you... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Digital Communications and Social Media

    In the rapidly developing world of digital marketing, how can firms stay in compliance? Can firms communicate relevant, meaningful information in the digital age? Attend this session to experience how industry and regulatory experts are grappling with these challenges. The panel covers current topics including how firms engage technology to address their compliance obligations and creative ways to use effective disclosure. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Drafting Comic Book Contracts: A Practical Guide

    In this CLE program, attendees will learn key comic book agreement provisions, engage in client interview exercises tailored to the comic book industry, dive into mock negotiations, and issue-spot common problems in publishing contracts. Facilitated by seasoned comic book publishing attorneys, attendees will get a chance to issue-spot, draft, and engage in mock negotiations. More Info

    2General Credits
  • Fintech Firms: Communications Compliance Topics

    Join FINRA staff and industry panelists as they share insights on challenges and effective practices related to communications compliance for Fintech focused firms. The panel covers topical issues such as digital engagement practices, mobile applications, integrated product offerings, and crypto assets. Panelists answer questions and provide tips on the use of technology to help navigate this quickly evolving area. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Hero-at-Law: The Law and Practice of Representing Comic Book Creators and Publishers

    In this CLE course, we present an overview of the comic book industry over the past two years, highlight new areas of litigation and transactional work, and provide the fundamentals of representing comic book industry clients. We will explore the pros and cons of AI-generated works and myriad new cases impacting the comic book and graphic novel publishers and the attorneys who represent them. More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • Investment Companies Current Topics

    Join FINRA staff and industry panelists as they discuss topical advertising compliance issues concerning registered investment companies, including mutual funds, ETFs and closed-end funds. Panelists cover the compliance challenges associated with complex products such as single stock ETFs, crypto futures funds, non-transparent ETFs and ESG focused investments. The panel also includes discussions regarding regulatory interpretations and compliance tips. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Ethics in the Era of Technology, Social Media, and the Pandemic

    Many lawyers are unfamiliar with the nuances of computer technology and data security essential to comply with 21st century ethics rules in our digital world. There are many hidden dangers in frequently used tools and platforms, including e-mail, social-media and “the Cloud.” The ethical dangers and minefields are compounded and heightened by increased use of digital tools and internet connections in the practice of law, including the use of Zoom and other digital meeting platforms, wor... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Legal Ethics: Dos and Don’ts for Attorney Advertising

    This CLE program will discuss the ethics rules as they relate to the oft-confusing issues of lawyer marketing, advertising and solicitation. What’s the right balance of advertising, social media, video and client engagement to grow your practice. What’s the difference between and advertisement and a solicitation and why does it matter? Can I practice under a Trade Name? Learn how to best comply with the rules and review the latest ethics opinions. More Info

    2Ethics Credits
  • NFT's: A Survey of Intellectual Property Issues

    One year ago, an NFT of Beeple’s collage sold at Christie’s for $69 million. Since then, the term NFT has permeated our society. Between staggering sale prices, celebrity endorsements, and revolutionary use cases, NFTs have taken the world by storm. But what have we learned during this trip around the sun? This timely CLE course features a panel of experts who will discuss the current state of the NFT and Web3 culture and community, as well as a deep dive into the most pressing i... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Redefining Communications Compliance for the Digital Age

    As we rely increasingly on mobile apps, social media, and other digital channels to communicate, how are firms addressing the compliance challenges and opportunities these media offer? Learn with industry and FINRA experts about how to navigate the increasingly complex landscape of firm communications with the public. Panelists cover lessons learned from FINRA’s ”finfluencer” targeted examinations, recent enforcement activity around off-channel communications, and how practitioners are approac... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Reel Ethics: Navigating Ethical Dilemmas Through Film and TV Scenarios

    This fun interactive CLE course will cover various ethical scenarios by analyzing ethical dilemmas presented in popular movies and television shows, and how to best navigate such issues. Real life examples will be presented, along with solutions and considerations, along with possible outcomes. A mock format will be utilized, with the focus being on the New York Rules of Professional Conduct. This course is designed to provide you with the skills to evaluate and handle ethical issues... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Section 230: Kings of the Internet

    Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (“CDA”) grants immunity from civil liability to the heads of online social media companies, empowering them to delete, modify or censor material they deem “objectionable,” or even ban or de-platform individuals at their discretion. They can do all this even if the material deleted “is constitutionally protected.” Since online platforms have become a main source of information for most of the world, this means that a few individuals are th... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Social Media and the Rise of the Finfluencers

    Human behavior has evolved as a result of the pandemic. For the financial services industry, the rapid acceleration of digital adoption has dramatically changed the way we engage with each other and our clients. Join FINRA staff and industry panelists as they discuss how social media and social media influencer are affecting the industry. Panelists discuss new developments, effective compliance practices, and how their firms are managing social media obligations. After attending t... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Art and Law of Surveillance

    This CLE will explore the laws surrounding surveillance in the context of civil litigation, family law and investigations. This will include an examination of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, Social Media Ethical Rules, Video Surveillance, the Stored Communications Act, GPS Tracking Statutes, Facial and License Plate Recognition Technology. The course will look at both the law and practicality of surveillance and how to best “use” findings in litigation as fact finding tools.... More Info

    2General Credits
  • The Ethics of Social Media and Attorney Competency

    Join us for a CLE program exploring the requirements for ethically using social media to build your referral network and the interplay of Rules of Professional Conduct on advertising, solicitation and attorney communications. This program will cover the Rules of Professional Conduct related to advertising and marketing on the internet, and how the ethics rules have not yet caught up with new technology. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • The Importance of Registering Your Copyright in the Music World

    This CLE course will demonstrate how important it truly is to register your copyrights in the music world. Registering copyrights is the best way to both add value to creative works and protect them. We will discuss the cost-benefit analysis of registration; go through a primer on Copyright Law as it pertains to the music industry; discuss fair use, parody, and compulsory licensing; the elements of copyright infringement and how they pertain to music; the importance of the deposit copy... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices: “I’ll Know It When I See It…”

    Welcome to Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAAP). UDAAP is arguably the most important regulation in the mortgage industry. UDAAP impacts every other lending regulation (marketing, fair lending, licensing & communication…) and it impacts every part of the lending cycle (advertising thru servicing closed loans.) What makes this regulation so difficult for mortgage lenders is that it is very subjective (“reasonable consumer” point of view) and is very difficult to defend agains... More Info

    1General Credit
  • What Attorneys Need to Know about Comic Book Publishing: A Test Drive

    Prepare to break into the comic book publishing industry in just two action-packed hours! Under the guidance of seasoned comic book publishing attorneys, you will draft a rough outline of crucial contract provisions, hone your client interview skills that are tailored for this sector, and engage in mock negotiations. You will get the chance to identify potential problems within publishing contracts and discover how to resolve them. Get ready to slip behind the wheel for a test-drive of comic b... More Info

    2General Credits

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