Missouri MCLE - Personal Injury Courses

MCLE Courses Available on DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App and Live Webinars!

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  • Live Webinar
    Tuesday, December 10, 2024
    11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern Time (EDT)

    Live Webinar: Handling Sexual Abuse Claims

    A full description of this course will be coming soon. Stay tuned! More Info

    2.4General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Traumatic Brain Injury and Necessary Experts

    In order for any litigator to pursue litigation related to traumatic brain injury, it necessary to understand how the brain functions, what are the causes and effects of TBIs and what’s and how exerts are utilized. This CLE course can also provide to any individual a useful overview of brain function and dysfunction. By understanding the brain, we can understand how we love and hate, build and structure our environment. If our brain makes us who we are, it can also limit our be... More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Litigation: Using Outcome Based Strategies to Drive Value

    Welcome to the world of outcome-based litigation strategies. Unlike Traditional Litigation, in outcome- based Litigation we are focused on what we want the results of our litigation efforts to achieve. That means, having a very clear goal in mind, in terms of value and settlement in settlement purposes. Having a clear understanding of what pressure needs to be brought to bear on the opposing side to achieve that result. We use the power of automation to leverage those things to achieve... More Info

    4.8General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Making Them Pay: Collecting Judgments in Personal Injury Cases in Excess of Available Insurance

    Successfully prosecuting a large civil case to judgment is fantastic but can create some real headaches when your judgment exceeds the available insurance coverage. Personal injury lawyers must understand the basics of collection law, so you can finish the job, monetize the judgment and maximize your chances of getting your client (and potentially yourself) paid as much as possible. This CLE course discusses some simple (and not-so-simple) measures you can take to maximize your ability... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Handling Cannabis Personal Injury Lawsuits

    There is a false perception that marijuana and cannabis products such as CBD are harmless. They are not. Attorneys and the public are not used to thinking about marijuana as a cause of personal injuries. However, marijuana has proven to cause many personal injuries and attorneys should be aware of potential liability claims. Some marijuana industry defense attorneys have been warning their clients of future personal injury cannabis litigation. This webinar will help them advise their c... More Info

    2.4General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    The Plaintiff Fact Sheet (“PFS”) in a Mass Tort Setting

    The Plaintiff Fact Sheet (PFS) is a written questionnaire which takes the place of non-negotiated interrogatories, or written questions, and is typically served in Mass Tort litigation. In a Mass Tort case, the Parties negotiate the questions to be asked on the PFS questionnaires. The Defendants are entitled to ask questions in a PFS that provides both basic information about the claimant (date of birth, marital status) and specific information (date of injury, type of injury, name... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Winning Strategies for Soft Tissue Injuries

    Winning Jury Trial Strategies for Soft Tissue Injury in Car Crash cases: This program will concentrate on the most successful methods on achieving great results on soft tissue sprain/strain types of injuries in crash cases. The program will summarize these winning strategies from the starting point of Voir Dire to the ending point of Closing Argument. More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Tell it Straight, Keep it Straight, Drink it Straight - Practicing Ethics in the Personal Injury Practice

    This CLE lecture on legal ethics explores the application of ABA Model Rules 1.4, 1.7, 1.8 and 1.15 in personal injury law, emphasizing clear communication with clients, managing conflicts of interest, and the importance of safeguarding client information and property. It offers practical strategies for effectively balancing these ethical responsibilities, particularly in scenarios involving complex relationships between drivers and passengers, and the handling of insurance settlements... More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Pitfalls In The SSA Disability Process: What They Are and How to Avoid Them

    The Social Security Disability process can be an opportunity for your client to “tell their story” in the pursuit of disability benefits. However, the process can also be chaotic, frustrating, and unfortunately surprising. What do you do when your client makes an admission in their medical records or says something at the hearing that really hurts their case? How do you deal with expert testimony given at the hearing that mischaracterizes the evidence in a negative way? Also – and this one... More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Some Lessons From The Gwyneth Paltrow Ski Collision Case

    Gwyneth Paltrow v Terry Sanderson went to trial, to determine who caused a ski crash at Deer Valley ski resort in Utah. On the surface, it appeared to be a simple ski collision case. Mr. Sanderson alleged that Ms. Paltrow skied into his back, knocking him down hard while landing on him, causing him to suffer a concussion and 4 broken ribs. The intensity of the media attention made it anything but simple. We will discuss a few of the lessons from this high profile case including the... More Info

    1.2General Credits

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