Michigan CLE - Employment Law Courses

This is a listing of Employment Law CLE Courses for Michigan. Please make your selection below of Michigan CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Down the Runway: A Day of Fashion Law

    Join us for a program aimed at practitioners confronted with the legal implications of representing a client in the fashion industry. A variety of issues may arise when representing a fashion client, from intellectual property, to labor and employment, to corporate governance, customs and even advertising issues. A faculty of experts will tackle the most salient issues pertinent to the fashion law practitioner. Panel I – The Business Foundation Panel II – The Business of Fashion Panel... More Info

    5General Credits
  • Drafting and Negotiating Employment and Separation Agreements

    If you are an employment law practitioner, in-house counsel or advise employers or employees on workplace or compensation-related matters, you cannot afford to miss this program. An expert panel will cover numerous legal issues and challenges that arise when drafting and negotiating employment and severance agreements and will provide practical tips and tools to enhance your drafting skills. Topics to be addressed include: best practices for documenting employment relationships t... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Drafting Enforceable Non-Competition and Non-Solicitation Clauses: Important Considerations to Know

    Restrictive covenants in the form of noncompetition and nonsolicitation agreements are often used by employers . Currently, millions of employees in the United States are under some type of restrictive covenant. Courts, however, strictly construe restrictive covenants in order to ensure that they are reasonable and not restraints upon fair competition. This CLE program will provide best practices to attorneys in the drafting of restrictive covenants. Issues regarding adequate consideration,... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Drafting Legally Sound Job Descriptions

    Job descriptions are introduced into court more often than any other document in support of a variety of different legal claims against employers. However, there are legal pitfalls that you need to be aware of when either drafting such job descriptions or advising clients on best practices for drafting such job descriptions. A well drafted job description can help you defend an employer in an ADA case but a poorly-drafted job description can mean losing such a case. This CLE course w... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Employee Handbook Do’s and Don’ts

    Employee Handbooks are essential for employers in today's litigious environment. They are the number one most important tool that an employer can have to protect itself from future liability. However, there are important mistakes that employers can make that wreak havoc for employers. Learn what policies must be in your employee handbooks as well as phrases and terms that you should never use in an Employee Handbook. This informative CLE program will outline for you the do's and don'ts o... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Employee Manual: A Key Risk Management, Legal Compliance and HR Management Tool

    Every employer has employment policies…some are written…and some are verbal…and some are “understood.” The best practice for the employer is to compile all of these rules in one place…an Employee Manual. This course will explore the ways that a well drafted Employee Manual may help satisfy the three functions that an employer must execute: (1) communicating Human Resources policies; (2) managing the risk of litigation by or on behalf of employees; (3) complying with the abundance of fed... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • Employment Agreements: Protection for All Involved

    Employment Agreements are agreements that wed the parties, one or both being an individual, over time, sometimes for many years. As such, they are the quintessential personal service contracts, and to work, each side has to believe that such agreements both advance and protect their self interests throughout the time they remain in force. Employment Agreements should include conditions of employment, duties and responsibilities of each party, compensation, benefits, factors triggering... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Employment Law for Business Lawyers

    It is generally accepted that employees need to be treated fairly and equitably. A company may, in fact, be set up in such a way as to take the treatment of employees into account to a tremendous degree. And yet, that company may still run afoul of the legal requirements under Employment Law, which is based not on what may seem fair, but on what is lawful. This CLE course, geared toward business lawyers who do not practice in this field and meant to provide practical guidance, explains the man... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Employment Law in the Time of COVID-19

    A panel of experts will present a lively discussion on some of the hottest topics in employment law right now, including the issues employers and employees are facing as a result of COVID-19 and approaches to deal with them; AI; emotional distress damages; arbitration; … and more. There will also be time to address questions from the audience. More Info

    2General Credits
  • Employment Law Issues in Telework Environments

    The COVID-19 virus ushered in a new age of remote work all over the world. Since then, the battle between employees wanting to maintain work-from-home status and employers trying to find ways to bring employees back to the office has remained fierce. This CLE course will outline the employment law issues that arise for employers who allow employees to telework on either a full-time or hybrid basis. The course will identify trends, unique problems associated with telework, and best prac... More Info

    1General Credit

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