Maryland CLE - All Courses

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  • 3D Printing: Legal Protection for 3D Objects and Product Designs

    3D printing is changing the way everything, from household items to computers, is being manufactured. But how to you trademark something that anyone can create? This CLE course will explain the ins and outs of legal protection for 3D objects and how artists, product designers and manufacturers can assert legal protection for their designs. The course will explain the restrictions on copyright protection, the challenges posed by the newest technologies and restrictions on trademark protection a... More Info

    1General Credit
  • 8 Privacy and Advertising Tips for the Games Industry

    This CLE program presented by Gregory Boyd and Daniel M. Goldberg will discuss the most relevant privacy issues involving video games and online advertising. The topics include: GDPR's impact on online advertising, the anticipated impact of the California Consumer Privacy Act and the increased focus by regulators, consumer advocates, academia, and the media on issues like geolocation and youth audiences. More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Beginners Guide to Motion Practice

    This CLE presentation is primarily focused on Civil and Special Civil motion practice for attorneys beginning in these areas. We will focus on the three most common types of motions, Summary Judgment Motions, Various Discovery Motions, Motions to dismiss/Post judgment motions. Implementing a motion practice strategy is the second phase of preparing your trial notebook (the First being a Discovery Plan). The motion practice strategy provides the attorney with the direction and purpose o... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Behind the Scenes Look at the Decision by the Supreme Court of NJ on Fraud in a Medical Malpractice Policy

    In DeMarco v. Stoddard, the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that a medical (podiatric) malpractice policy that was procured via fraud in the application could and should be rescinded ab initio, with the insurer not obligated to defend or indemnify the doctor. In so holding, the Court examined multiple issues, including the background of compulsory malpractice coverage in both New Jersey (where the malpractice occurred) and Rhode Island (where the policy was issued by a state-created entity)... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Corporate Counsel Song and Dance: Keeping your Corporation in Tune and Out of Court

    Since the advent of the Internet, the use of copyrighted materials by corporations has exploded. Use of music on “hold” buttons, on websites, during holiday parties, and even at DeeJay events celebrating companies’ milestones permeates the corporate culture today. Attorneys counseling corporations - - whether in-house or outside counsel - - are nowadays regularly confronted with challenges from within their own marketing and promotion departments that they had never had to face before - - no... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Guide to Ethical Billing Practices and Retainer Agreements

    Attorney client relationships are based on many factors, but underlying it all is a business transaction. And like all business transactions, payment for services rendered is an essential factor. But as billing systems and retainer agreements have become more complicated, they have also come under greater scrutiny. It has become far more common for disciplinary authorities to inspect these agreements and incur significant penalties for those who violate the rules. This informative CLE course,... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • A Guide To Navigating The Maze Of New York City Zoning And Land Use

    This CLE course will offer a comprehensive introduction to zoning and land use, specifically in New York City. The course will present discussions of parking regulations of the Zoning Resolution, including use and bulk as well as the transfer of “air rights”. Mandatory affordable housing and the continuation of non-conforming uses and discretionary approvals, including that of special permits, variances and re-zoning, will be discussed. More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Legal Guide to Social Media Advertising around the Globe

    Truth in advertising becomes even more complicated when social media is thrown into the mix. In this format, what exactly constitutes advertising, and what are the rules that advertisers muse adhere to? This CLE course will offer a detailed look at advertising in the social media age and include discussions of transparency, sponsorship, endorsements, user-generated content, and affiliate marketing. The course will provide an overview of FTC guidelines and case studies describing how those gui... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Musical Playlist for Successful Motion Writing

    Motion writing should be as fun and inspired for the drafter; and as compelling for the reader; as music is for the listener. In this program, Tracy Frankel takes you through a musical playlist that corresponds to the many tips, rules and strategies you will need to prepare a persuasive motion. This course will provide standards to live by when making motions of any kind; strategies for the Notice of Motion, Affirmation and Memorandum of Law; helpful tips for the inclusion of exhibits; and st... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Primer of Florida Defamation Law: Issues and Pitfalls

    To assist attorneys in learning the main nuances of Florida Defamation Law with a focus on identifying viable cases, value of cases and extent of work needed to overcome litigation issues that are unique to Defamation cases with a focus on Florida Law. Participants will learn about the elements of defamation, the defenses, including statute of limitations and the special media defendant as well as a contemporary case law status as to how Courts are determining the interplay between first amend... More Info

    1General Credit

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