Illinois MCLE - Specialty Credit Courses

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  • Justice Can Only Be Blind if the Jury Reflects Our Diverse Society

    The importance of a defendant having a jury composed of their peers is a tenet of jurisprudence. Historically, this has not always been the case for all defendants on trial. Our panelists will provide a deep dive into the importance of ensuring the impaneling of a diverse jury reflects our society and its values. More Info

  • Coronavirus and Your Mental Health: A Lawyer’s Guide to Coping with Isolation, Anxiety and Fear in Uncertain Times

    We know that you have been bombarded with messages about the Coronavirus over the last few months, whether that be on television, social media, or in your community networks. At uncertain times like this, anxiety, stress, fear, and negative thoughts can easily take control. You may be worried about being in crowds, your loved ones, your seniors, your office, your clients, your finances, or how to manage a quarantine. Moreover, recent studies have shown that there has been a dramatic increase i... More Info

    1Mental Health/Abuse
  • No One Makes It Out Unscathed: The Effects of Trauma, Stress and Burnout On Our Lives

    Attorneys hopefully recognize that like many other professionals, their lives are filled to the brim with stress. It’s important to be proactive in dealing with it. The consequences of shrugging it off can be catastrophic - not only for them but for their family, staff and friends. And then there’s trauma. The ramifications of trauma aren’t discussed as frequently as those of stress and thus, for many attorneys, trauma is a topic in need of attention. Trauma can be secondary or vicario... More Info

    1Mental Health/Abuse
  • Gambling: The "Secret" Addiction

    Recent studies have shown that there has been a dramatic increase in impairment due to alcoholism, drug addiction and mental health disorders among members of the legal profession. The statistics are compelling and clearly indicate that 1 out of 3 attorneys will likely have a need for substance use or mental health services at some point in their careers. What about that “other” addiction – Gambling ? The United States Supreme Court, in Murphy vs. NCAA, held that sports gamblin... More Info

    1Mental Health/Abuse
  • Changing the Landscape of Diversity, Inclusion & the Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession

    This CLE program will discuss the disproportionate statistics of women and minorities in partner positions at law firms, provide an analysis of the key impediments that have affected women and minorities from advancing and discuss how litigation has been used as a tool not only to combat discrimination, but also as leverage to drive diversity and inclusion efforts. The panelist's will also highlight practices that attorneys and law firms can adopt to increase diversity and inclusion ef... More Info

  • Implicit Bias: “I’m Not Like You…Except That I Am”

    This CLE program, presented by a Trial Lawyer, Mediator, and Life Coach, is designed for lawyers and will discuss the following topics: (1) Explore case studies to improve your understanding of bias in law; (2) Dovetail the elimination of bias and prejudice into that perceived need; and (3) Facilitate reframing those common “caveman-esque” reactions in a light-hearted tone with respect for all folks and trains of thought. Unlike more confrontational and/or high-conflict, stres... More Info

  • Diversity and Race in Jury Selection

    This course will take a historical look at diversity and race in jury selection and how “all-white juries” have led to infamous miscarriages of justice throughout the years. We will also examine how the Supreme Court has addressed racial discrimination in jury selection from the 1880s to present day, and how various courts have recently addressed this issue. Lastly, we will look at what states across the country are currently doing to limit racial discrimination in jury selecti... More Info

  • Staying Safe and Sound: Maintaining a Realistic Work/Life Balance in Uncertain Times

    We know that you may still be getting bombarded with messages about Covid related issues, whether that be on television, social media, or in your work and community networks. In uncertain times like these, anxiety, stress, fear, and negative thoughts can easily take control. You may still be worried about being in crowds, wearing a mask, getting another vaccine or booster for yourself and your loved ones, your office, your clients, your finances or how to manage whatever the future holds as... More Info

    1Mental Health/Abuse
  • Virtual Isolation: Is Hyperconnectivity Helping or Harming the Legal Professional?

    If we stop to think about what we look at most during the day, the answer would probably not be our family or friends, nor our clients or colleagues. The most feasible option would be our mobile phone. Smartphones are now our companions for work, social, leisure and even family life. However, excessive use can lead to problems of dependence, addiction and fear. We find ourselves simultaneously connected and alone. Workers today are ‘never turned off.” Like our mobile phones, we only go on stan... More Info

    1Mental Health/Abuse
  • Understanding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: How the Law Created Inequity

    The phrase “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” words often heard and even debated - encapsulates efforts to equalize opportunity. Understanding the need or purpose for DEI efforts requires an appreciation for how the law itself embedded inequity. This CLE course will cover the myriad of laws and judicial pronouncements that have embedded inequity in our culture and economy. From the constitution to seminal cases - some taught at a superficial level at grade school and others not taught at a... More Info


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