Estate Planning Bundle - Georgia CLE

We have selected our most popular lectures and bundled them together into our Estate Planning Bundle. This Bundle contains 12 Credit Hours of CLE Lectures including 1 hour of Ethics and 1 hour of Professionalism. *The Commission on Continuing Lawyer Competency (CCLC) has permanently suspended the rule limiting the number of distance learning courses GA attorneys are allowed to take. Going forward, GA lawyers can complete all or any portion of their CLE requirement through approved distance learning CLE programs.

CLE Courses Available on DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App!

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Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures
Save $301
Only $299
Save $301
Courses priced individually at $600
  • 3.5 Ethics
  • 1 Professionalism

Estate Planning Bundle Includes:

  • $75

    ABA Model Rules Of Professional Conduct and AI Ethics: Key Highlights of the New Challenges Facing Attorney Compliance

    Ethics Credits: 1.5

    Every rule of the ABA’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct has been impacted by the presence of artificial intelligence. During this CLE, we will examine key concerns arising under the ABA Model Rules when juxtaposed against the realities and challenges imposed when practicing law alongside the le...

  • $50

    Lawyers and Generative Artificial Intelligence: What Could Go Wrong: Ethical and Other Concerns

    Ethics Credits: 1

    Artificial intelligence and, more specifically, generative artificial intelligence (GAI) is increasingly used by attorneys. GAI is touted as being revolutionary and "game-changing" for the legal profession for purposes of litigation and providing broader legal services to clients. However, GAI brin...

  • $50

    Understanding Financial Solutions While Planning for Possible Long-term Care

    General Credits: 1

    This CLE course will provide attorneys with a comprehensive overview of methodology and techniques for preserving their client’s assets while planning for the possibility of incapacity and future institutional or home care services through Medicaid. The presentation will provide an overview of...

  • $50

    The Mathematics of Estate Tax Planning

    General Credits: 1

    The federal estate tax and the financial dynamics that apply to each family can vary in terms of values, growth, income tax rates, spending, discounts, and many other factors. Attempting to plan with common strategies without "running the numbers" can result in less than optimal planning results an...

  • $50

    The Nuts and Bolts of Guardianships

    General Credits: 1

    This CLE course will focus on basics of what a guardianship proceeding is, sometimes called a conservatorship in some states, and how it differs from advanced directives such as health care proxies and powers of attorney. We will discuss when such a court proceeding is and what courts look for in...

  • $50

    The Mediator's Toolkit: 15 Strategies Towards A Successful Mediation

    General Credits: 1

    Mediation has been called an art and not a science. It is true that there is not one specific way to conduct a mediation. However, there are tried-and-true methods for facilitating a successful mediation. That success will be determined by the attainment of Win-Win by both parties. This CLE pro...

  • $50

    Offshore Versus Domestic Asset Protection, What You Need To Know

    General Credits: 1

    Join our Asset Protection Attorney as he delves deep into an extensive examination of the most prevalent tools, both domestic and international, that can safeguard your clients' assets from legal disputes. This CLE session will encompass the following topics: Understanding Asset Protection and...

  • $50

    Navigating Ethical Challenges: AI Adoption in Legal Practice

    Ethics Credits: 1

    In light of the widespread emergence of GenAI tools throughout society, the panelists will focus on how GenAI can be used responsibly in the legal industry, consistently with the Model Rules of Professional Conduct. The panelists will discuss the ethical implication of GenAI usage and offer pr...

  • $75

    Filing Social Security Disability Appeals in Federal Court

    General Credits: 1.5

    Filing a Social Security case in Federal Court can be a daunting task. There are many prerequisites to meet before the case can be filed and the window to file is rather limited. This course will focus on ascertaining your chance of success. follow proper court procedures. and write your bri...

  • $50

    The Mathematics of Charitable Planning

    General Credits: 1

    Tax, estate and charitable planners have the opportunity to do tremendous good for charitable causes while saving their clients tax dollars and providing recognition and security. Charitable Remainder Trusts, Charitable Lead Annuity Trusts, the transfer of Remainder Interests, and Qualified Charita...

  • $50

    Professionalism and Civility for Attorneys: Mastering First Impressions and Effective Communication

    Professionalism Credits: 1

    In today's interconnected world, how you present yourself professionally can make or break your career. This CLE course offers practical strategies for crafting a strong, lasting professional brand. From the courtroom to Zoom meetings, and across all forms of social media, your verbal and non-verba...

Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures

CLE Your Way, Anywhere!
DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App included at no extra charge!

Course Media Options
Only $299
Save $301
Courses priced individually at $600

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