Georgia CLE - International Law Courses

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  • Immigration for the Extraordinary: O-1 and EB1-1

    Temporary U.S. work visas and green cards are available for the “best and the brightest” from around the world. This seminar will review the regulatory standards and required evidence for nonimmigrant and immigrant petitions for these stars. This CLE course will review the three O-1 categories in detail, briefly touch on the P-1 for athletes, and discuss building a green card case. You’ll learn both legal and practical considerations in advising clients and preparing winning cases.... More Info

    1General Credit
  • International Data Movement: Issue Spotting from Afar

    In a global economy world, the movement of data has become second nature. Data passes hands and through countries often and quickly. However, organizations in charge of data management may have legal issues of concern when handling personal and client data. This CLE course is designed to provide a high level thought process and approach to identifying potential legal issues when advising clients or businesses in moving data from an origin country to a destination country. More Info

    1General Credit
  • International Income and Estate Tax Planning

    Jacob Stein, Esq. and Manya Deva Natan, Esq. discuss several key aspects of international tax planning. Using real-life scenarios from case studies. Manya covers estate tax planning, providing an overview in the dramatic differences between estate tax exclusions for U.S. persons, and for non-resident aliens. She discusses the importance of planning for NRA investors and the best structures to use. In addition, she touches on the dream inheritance and how to plan for U.S. citizens and resident... More Info

    1General Credit
  • International Taxation: A Primer for Business and Immigration Lawyers

    This CLE program will be a discussion on inbound taxation (foreigners doing business or investing in the U.S.). You will learn the important aspects such as income taxes applicable to non-resident aliens, pre-immigration planning, FIRPTA, and ownership structures for non-resident aliens. The discussion will also touch on the changes to international taxation brought about by the new tax act. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Introduction to Art Law

    A relatively recent term, “art law” refers to a complex and interdisciplinary body of law that governs the creation, ownership, and sale of art. Whether your client is an artist, gallery, creditor, private collector, donor, museum, or not-for-profit organization, understanding the legal fundamentals that underlie this industry is essential to effective counseling. Introduction to Art Law is designed as a course in the basics of art law, focusing on the legal relationships among the va... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Issues Arising in Arbitration

    Generally, arbitration is used as a means to avoid the financial burdens and exhaustive process imposed by a court battle. Yet even arbitration has its complications, and both attorneys litigating arbitration and the arbitrators themselves must be well-versed in the issues before initiating arbitration proceedings. This CLE course, presented by Leslie Trager, a seasoned arbitrator of 20 years, will offer an in-depth review of arbitration issues including remedies for non-payment by a p... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Issues Related to Launching a Global Advertising Campaign

    There isn’t much in the media that isn’t global these days, and that includes advertising campaigns. But working on an advertising campaign with a global reach may have ramifications that wouldn’t apply on a national scale. This CLE course will explain the primary issues to be aware of when working on a global advertising campaign as well as strategies for working with local counsel in other countries. The use of influencers, global sweepstakes and contests and how to conduct social media campai... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Liability of The Cruise Industry for COVID-19 Related Injuries and Deaths of Passengers and Crew

    This course will examine the recent slew of cases involving suits by passengers against cruise lines for damages relating to the Covid-19 Pandemic. It will also examine ship-owner liability to crews under traditional principles of Maritime Law and the Jones Act. Particular attention will be paid to claims for emotional distress where passengers were exposed to the virus and quarantined but never contracted the virus. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Processes and Issues Surrounding China-U.S. Foreign Direct Investment

    Investment in foreign countries may be lucrative, but must be undertaken with a thorough understanding of the legal issues involved. This CLE course will offer specific instruction on the benefits and challenges to foreign investment in China and how to navigate its complex legal system. The course will explain the myriad benefits to investment, such as China’s rising economic growth and status on the global economy, as well as the risks such as its social instability, aging population... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Litigating International Child Kidnapping Cases Under the Hague Convention

    This CLE is designed to teach attorneys how to represent clients in federal and state court using the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and the implementing legislation, known as the International Child Abduction Remedies Act. Litigation under this treaty and its implementing legislation is a variant of civil litigation that is unique and outside the normal experience of even veteran family law attorneys and federal litigators, as well as many federal and s... More Info

    1General Credit

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