Florida CLE - International Law Courses

This is a listing of International Law CLE Courses for Florida. Please make your selection below of Florida CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Seventh Annual Art Litigation & Dispute Resolution Practice Institute

    For the 7th consecutive year, join us for this special program which brings together a diverse roster of speakers ranging from artists, art consultants, appraisers, members of the bench, bar, museums, art galleries, auction houses, to government officials and members of non-profit organizations as they discuss the most relevant legal issues affecting the art world today. More Info

    8Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • Ninth Annual Art Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice Institute

    For the 9th consecutive year, join us for this special program which brings together a diverse roster of speakers ranging from artists, art consultants, appraisers, members of the bench, bar, museums, art galleries, auction houses, to government officials and members of non-profit organizations as they discuss the most relevant legal issues affecting the art world today. Immigration and the Arts Money Power Beauty: Framing the Value Issue In Fine Art and Collectible Losses The Art is... More Info

    7.5Total Credits
    2 Ethics
  • Litigation of the Arts: Conflict Resolution & Regulation in Fine Arts & Installations

    Join a diverse faculty for the 6th Annual Art Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice Institute, as they discuss many of the hot-button issues affecting the art world today. Topics to be discussed include: PANEL 1: Regulation of Art Not-for-Profits PANEL 2: The Law of Hans Haacke's Art and the Art of Hans Haacke's Law PANEL 3: Installation Art PANEL 4: Trademarks in Fine Art PANEL 5: Fair Use and Appropriation After Prince PANEL 6: 3D Printing in the Arts -- With Live Demonstra... More Info

    7.5Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • 8th Annual Art Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice Institute

    For the 8th consecutive year, join us for this special program which brings together a diverse roster of speakers ranging from artists, art consultants, appraisers, members of the bench, bar, museums, art galleries, auction houses, to government officials and members of non-profit organizations as they discuss the most relevant legal issues affecting the art world today. Welcome and Introduction Challenges Faced by Claimants Navigating the World of Holocaust Art Restitution Wallflo... More Info

    7.5Total Credits
    2 Ethics
  • Lost in Translation The Pitfalls of Obtaining Testimony Across Boundaries of Language, Culture and Class

    Interpretation is an art not a science. That's why obtaining testimony is very often like an under-educated laborer from another universe describing the truth to an artist who then must describe it to an engineer. As an attorney even if you are a native speaker of the language of the witness a lot can get lost in the translation. This course will explain many of the pitfalls and limitations of interpretation throughout our judicial system and then illuminate some of the most common iss... More Info

    4.5General Credits
  • Swiss Banks, Smuggling and Other Asset Recovery Issues

    In its 2007 National Money Laundering Strategy report, the U.S. government estimated that as much as $36 billion annually from just the former Soviet Union, was being secretly transferred through U.S. bank accounts and U.S. shell companies. Besides using U.S. bank accounts and shell companies, kleptocrats, Ponzi schemers, divorcing spouses, etc., can of course conceal assets by parking them in Swiss or other foreign bank accounts. This program analyzes how bank secrecy laws, multiple jurisdic... More Info

    3Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • 99 Years & Counting: Genocide, Human Rights, Cyber Terrorism, and International Crimes

    Benjamin Ferencz was only 27 years old when he was assigned the role of Chief Prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials and successfully convicted all 22 Nazi defendants for their participation in the murder over a million people. In this captivating course given in his 100th year of life Mr. Ferencz recounts his lifetime of work focusing on issues of international criminal justice. Mr. Ferencz discusses the growth of international criminal law and the prosecution crimes of aggression including genoc... More Info

    3General Credits
  • War Crimes, Sanctions & The War In The Ukraine: A Review Of The Legal Aspects Of The Current War & The Laws That Apply

    During the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russian authorities and armed forces were accused of committing war crimes by carrying out both deliberate attacks against civilian targets and indiscriminate attacks in densely populated areas. The Russian military allegedly exposed the civilian population to unnecessary and disproportionate harm by using cluster munitions – a type of weapon that is prohibited by 110 states because of its immediate and long-term danger to civilians– and by firing other... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • The Supreme International Crime: Benjamin Ferencz Presents A Legal History from Nuremberg to Kampala

    Benjamin Ferencz, who, as Chief Prosecutor for the United States, was instrumental in convicting twenty two defendants for their participation in the murder of one million victims of the Holocaust, offers insight into the evolution of international criminal law since the groundbreaking trials at Nuremburg. As this riveting CLE course will explain, the creation of the United Nations coincided with a global struggle to determine whether crimes of aggression should be prosecuted. In this compell... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • Maritime Law: Personal Injury and Property Damage in Small Boat Cases

    In this CLE course we will discuss maritime law as it touches on both property damage cases, such as a towboat hitting a pier, and personal injury cases such as a small boat hitting a pier with resulting injuries. We will discuss the underlying theories of liability, comparative fault, the personification of the vessel and "in rem" liability, and the flip side of in rem liability the ability of a boat owner to limit liability for property damage and personal injury to the value of the vessel.... More Info

    2.5General Credits

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