Delaware CLE - All Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for Delaware. Please make your selection below of Delaware CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
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Ethical Mediation: Principles and Practices in Dispute Resolution
The use of Alternative Dispute Resolution, particularly in the area of mediation, has grown dramatically in the past ten years. However, it is a process in which many counsel are unfamiliar. Judge Scheinkman will discuss the importance of ethical considerations that relate to settlement negotiations. Given the nature of mediation, it is important that the parties negotiate in an ethical fashion which translates into good faith. While the trust of an adversary is a relative concept, there is an... More Info
$501Ethics Credit -
Legal Implications of the Baltimore Bridge Collapse
This CLE lecture will address the legal framework regarding theories of liability which may be asserted against the owner and operator of the container ship Dali following the collision with and destruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge on March 24 2024. The course will briefly cover the defenses available to owners and operators, including the ability to to limit their liability under Federal law, potential defenses to cargo interests under the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (COGSA),... More Info
$501General Credit -
A Lawyers Guide to Dealing with the Media
This CLE course equips trial lawyers with the skills and strategies necessary to effectively engage with the media while safeguarding their clients' interests and maintaining professional ethics. Participants will learn how to craft clear and compelling messages, manage press interactions, and respond to challenging questions in high-profile cases. The course covers topics such as media law, courtroom publicity, and the impact of media coverage on jury perception and case outcomes. Thr... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
Employment Accommodations for Women with Children in the Workplace
This CLE program will examine the principal laws protecting parents who are pregnant or with children in the workplace. There are numerous protections regarding various aspects of pregnancy and child birth. The laws covering a parents need to care for themselves and others will be discussed. And protections against discrimination based on gender, particularly in terms of pay, will be considered. The course will also cover some basic employment law principals for litigating t... More Info
$501General Credit -
An Attorneys Guide to Working with Personal Property Appraisers: Ethical Issues, Potential Pitfalls, and Best Practices
This CLE course will provide attorneys with an advanced understanding of the role of appraisals in various legal contexts, primarily focusing on estate planning and estate litigation and the value of working with personal property appraisers. Participants will explore the ethical considerations, potential pitfalls, and key guidelines that attorneys must follow when working with appraisers or relying on appraisal reports. The course will focus on both practical do’s and don’ts,... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
The Use of Trusts in Government Benefits Planning
This CLE presentation will address the use of various types of trusts in government benefits planning, including revocable trusts, spousal planning using revocable trusts, long term care planning using Irrevocable Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts, Supplemental Needs Trusts, and long-term care planning provisions utilized in powers of attorney. Practitioners will learn the differences among the various types of trusts used in government benefits planning, drafting provisions that may be... More Info
$501.3General Credits -
Nuts and Bolts of Social Security Disability Law
This CLE course discusses the nuts and bolts of what is involved to start practicing Social Security Disability Law. The aim of this course is to provide the information needed so that you can hit the ground running and start practicing Social Security Disability Law immediately. The topics and advice range from the intake process, initial claim, reconsideration, hearing, and appeals process. More Info
$501General Credit -
How to Win Your Case Without Going to Trial
The author and lecturer, based upon over a half-century of litigation experience in the State and Federal Courts, will share his knowledge and experience on how to win cases without going to trial, while at the same time preparing you in case your case does have to go to trial. The premise of this course is that the pre-trial discovery, pre-trial court conferences and motions, especially motions for summary judgment and to dismiss, in at least 90% of litigations culminates in either an... More Info
$1002General Credits -
From Pencils to Pixels: Advocating for Comic Book Creators in the Age of AI
This CLE course provides an expansive overview of the comic book industry. It covers the rise of digital comics, the importance of diverse representation, and the impact of AI on content creation and legal practices. Participants will delve into the implications of recent copyright and trademark rulings, such as Warner Chappell v. Nealy, which affirmed that copyright owners could seek damages for infringements regardless of when they occurred, and the Fair Use After Warhol decision, wh... More Info
$1503.2General Credits -
Criminal Procedure: The 4th, 5th and 6th Amendments
This CLE lecture will cover issues such as what is a search and what is a seizure under the fourth amendment; search warrants, their issuance as well as their execution; exceptions to the search warrant requirement; stop and frisk; the exclusionary rule and exceptions to it; Miranda and the 5th amendment, and 14th amendment voluntariness of statements; as well as more briefly than other topics, the 6th amendment and the right to counsel. More Info
$1002General Credits -
Conducting Police Internal Affairs Investigations
This CLE course is designed to provide government lawyers and others practical knowledge and sample policies on how to conduct effective police internal affairs investigations. The presenter has decades of experience representing police and local government officials in connection with internal affairs investigations, civil rights lawsuits, labor & employment disputes, policy drafting & workforce training. The course includes the following topics: The roles of solicitors,... More Info
$751.6General Credits -
Litigation: Using Outcome Based Strategies to Drive Value
Welcome to the world of outcome-based litigation strategies. Unlike Traditional Litigation, in outcome- based Litigation we are focused on what we want the results of our litigation efforts to achieve. That means, having a very clear goal in mind, in terms of value and settlement in settlement purposes. Having a clear understanding of what pressure needs to be brought to bear on the opposing side to achieve that result. We use the power of automation to leverage those things to achieve... More Info
$2004.1General Credits -
Essential Estate Documents: Don't Delay Until It's Too Late
This CLE program addresses a common concern: people commonly put off or do not seriously consider necessary documents for universal eventuality: death, incapacity, or providing for others who will have to step in. This one-hour course will cover basic documents and suggested text, how and when they come into play, and often overlooked issues that should be addressed. Three basic documents will be reviewed: Will, Power of Attorney, and Advance Directive. More Info
$501General Credit -
U.S. Trademark Essentials: A Step-by-Step Guide
This CLE course takes you through the step-by-step process of a U.S. trademark application from beginning to end, including but not limited to, advantages of a federal trademark registration, United States Patent and Trademark Office trademark application requirements, responding to Office Actions, how to identify proper specimens. We will also have a brief overview of proceedings before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board including oppositions, cancellations, expungements, reexamina... More Info
$501General Credit -
Visas and "Green Card" Options for Research Scientists
Several visa and "green card" (permanent residence) categories are available to Research Scientists. Selecting which works best for your client depends on multiple factors, including whether the individual is sponsored for the visa/green card, their level of success, and whether they are able to provide strong evidence of their success and its impact on the field; the importance of their work to the country, and more. This CLE course will explore visa options, including the J-1, H-1B an... More Info
$501General Credit -
Ethical Issues in Pro Bono Representation
This CLE examines the ethical issues that arise when attorneys are performing legal services on a pro bono basis. Using the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, it identifies particular rules that would apply in common pro bono scenarios, and discusses how attorneys can spot potential issues and avoid “steeping over” ethical lines while they seek to effectively represent their clients and increase access to justice through their pro bono work. Some Michigan and other state bar variations... More Info
$751.5Ethics Credits -
In the Drone Zone: Legal Insights for Attorneys in Unmanned Aircraft Law
This CLE course provides attorneys with a comprehensive overview of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), commonly known as drones, and the intricate legal and regulatory landscape surrounding their operation. Participants will delve into the technological advancements of drones, their diverse applications across industries, and the pivotal role of legal frameworks in governing their use. Participants will gain insights into the current legal framework governing drone operations, with a fo... More Info
$751.6General Credits -
Navigating Legal Challenges and Issues in Telecommuting and Remote Work
Organizations offer telecommuting options for all the right reasons - to help workers manage family care issues, medical problems and disabilities, or simply to help them reduce commute costs and add some flexibility to their schedules. But what happens when your well-intentioned plan turns into a legal nightmare? How do you protect your organization when a worker claims he’s being discriminated against because he’s not allowed to telecommute. Or when another demands that telecommuting... More Info
$501.1General Credits -
Understanding Religious Accommodations After The Groff Supreme Court Decision
Employers are required to accommodate the religious beliefs of their employees pursuant to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. However, understanding what this means and how to ensure compliance is not easy. How has the Groff Supreme Court decision changed the meaning of “undue burden” under Title VII and how can an employer ensure compliance? What does the interactive process under Title VII look like and what documentation can an employer request? The answers to these and ot... More Info
$501General Credit -
Protecting Your Family Home Through Trusts
All too often, the senior client may find themselves in a dire predicament. Immediate long-term nursing home care is needed and they do not have private funds or long-term care insurance to pay for such care. An individual’s primary asset is often the home in which he or she resides, and there is a common misconception that in such instances, the only recourse would be to sell one’s home and to use the entire proceeds to pay for long-term care needs. This CLE course will provid... More Info
$501General Credit -
Pregnancy in the Workplace: Understanding the New Laws on Accommodations for Pregnancy and Lactation
If you thought you understood your obligations from a legal perspective of handling a pregnant employee in your workplace, think again. The rules are changing so quickly it is often hard to keep up. This CLE will answer your most important questions on this topic such as whether you even have to accommodate a pregnant employee since a normal pregnancy is not a “disability” within the meaning of the ADA/ADAAA. What laws come into play when an employee requests to be able to take more... More Info
$501General Credit -
ABA Model Rules Of Professional Conduct and AI Ethics: Key Highlights of the New Challenges Facing Attorney Compliance
Every rule of the ABA’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct has been impacted by the presence of artificial intelligence. During this CLE, we will examine key concerns arising under the ABA Model Rules when juxtaposed against the realities and challenges imposed when practicing law alongside the less structured, if at times, nonexistent, ethical underpinnings of artificial intelligence. This CLE will be 100% “lawyer friendly.” It will begin with a brief overview of what is artificial inte... More Info
$751.5Ethics Credits -
New Developments in Sports Law: A Time of Change in the Collegiate and Professional Landscape
In the last year, college sports is seeing nothing less than a revolution. It's model of amateurism is under attack, both in antitrust litigation in the courts and at various regional offices of the National Labor Relations Board ("NLRB"). A day is coming where big-time college athletics will be professionalized, with new challenges and uncertainties for various stakeholders. In the professional sports area, team sales, an increasing fractured media rights universe and ongoing issues s... More Info
$501General Credit -
1st and 4th Amendment and Employment Cases: Difficult Issues and Lessons Learned
Experienced litigators in the areas of First and Fourth Amendment Law and Employment Law share perspectives on difficult issues and lessons regarding some of the most interesting and timely issues of our day. The presenters will seek to impart lessons you may not have learned in law school or perhaps in some books so that newer and less-experienced counsel gain the competence to successfully handle these matters at the motions stage, at trial, on appeal or by settlement. Learn practica... More Info
$1753.5General Credits -
Prosecutors and Restitution: Navigating Ethical Challenges
In many criminal cases, crime victims are desperately injured and dramatically inconvenienced in a long, confusing, and challenging legal process. The road to recovery physically, legally, emotionally, and personally can be hard. In those exact same cases, criminal defendants face their own series of setbacks and challenges from a legal system managing countless cases and conflicting philosophical priorities. Their road to “justice” encounters its own breed of challenges. Wedged so... More Info
$501Ethics Credit -
Wetlands Law & Policy: From the Federal Clean Water Act to Local Administration
Wetlands Science and Law became a very important part of general environmental law, primarily beginning with the Industrial Revolution of the 1700s. Wetlands has paramount importance from the mushy area behind a residential backyard to mitigating Global Climate Change. Topics will include, but in legal parlance, not exclusive of: A brief history of Wetlands – Bogs, Fens, Marshes, Prairie Potholes, Bayous, Swamps, et-cetera The history of law and policy General environmental law I... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
Lawyers and Generative Artificial Intelligence: What Could Go Wrong: Ethical and Other Concerns
Artificial intelligence and, more specifically, generative artificial intelligence (GAI) is increasingly used by attorneys. GAI is touted as being revolutionary and "game-changing" for the legal profession for purposes of litigation and providing broader legal services to clients. However, GAI brings with it risks and well as benefits. This CLE program will consider the nature of GAI, how it could be used by attorneys, the risks that might present to attorneys and clients, and the ethi... More Info
$501Ethics Credit -
Understanding Financial Solutions While Planning for Possible Long-term Care
This CLE course will provide attorneys with a comprehensive overview of methodology and techniques for preserving their client’s assets while planning for the possibility of incapacity and future institutional or home care services through Medicaid. The presentation will provide an overview of the Medicaid Asset Protection Trust wherein the homestead and liquid assets can be transferred and the Medicaid applicant (settlor) would retain the ability to receive government benefits. He or... More Info
$501.1General Credits -
Protecting Your Trademark In The Face of EU’s, GPDR and U.S. Privacy Laws- Case Study and Practical Tips
This CLE course will demonstrate why it has become increasingly difficult to identify internet trademark infringers, the obstacles often encountered during the process of identifying trademark infringers on the world-wide web and what you need to know to secure relief from their infringement. We will discuss GDPR and U.S. Privacy laws, the obstacles they present in trying to identify infringers who only do business on the internet, and the mechanisms and practical considerations for se... More Info
$1002General Credits -
Defying Limits: Breaking the Boundaries of Adverse Possession
Adverse possession is a phrase we all learned in law school, and then promptly forgot. But the concept has been with human society for millennia, and will likely last until the final day a person walks the earth. So long as the elements are met, adverse possession gives people the right to automatically be deemed owners of real estate that they may not have purchased – even without filing a suit for such relief. This CLE course will address the various secrets, critical elements, and... More Info
$751.9General Credits -
The Plaintiff Fact Sheet (“PFS”) in a Mass Tort Setting
The Plaintiff Fact Sheet (PFS) is a written questionnaire which takes the place of non-negotiated interrogatories, or written questions, and is typically served in Mass Tort litigation. In a Mass Tort case, the Parties negotiate the questions to be asked on the PFS questionnaires. The Defendants are entitled to ask questions in a PFS that provides both basic information about the claimant (date of birth, marital status) and specific information (date of injury, type of injury, name... More Info
$501.2General Credits -
The Mediator's Toolkit: 15 Strategies Towards A Successful Mediation
Mediation has been called an art and not a science. It is true that there is not one specific way to conduct a mediation. However, there are tried-and-true methods for facilitating a successful mediation. That success will be determined by the attainment of Win-Win by both parties. This CLE program will outline and discuss strategies that ensure that the mediation will be dignified and productive. Many of these strategies can be used in non-mediation circumstance such as negotiations,... More Info
$501.3General Credits -
Utilizing Body Cam Footage in a DUI Case
In the last several years, body worn cameras have become all but universally employed by law enforcement across the country. This has had a dramatic impact on DUI prosecutions. For extreme cases (patent impairment and/or no impairment cases) body worn cameras can help resolve cases early on. This discussion will focus on how to utilize body worn camera footage where the defendant’s level of impairment is not self-evident and a hearing and subsequent trial are anticipated. In those... More Info
$501General Credit -
Guerrilla Warfare Tactics in Federal IP Cases
Anybody can draft and file a lawsuit. There are so many templates on the Internet or available from multiple sources, such as form books and treatises that With a little care and attention, most anyone can craft and file a brief for copyright infringement or trademark infringement or patent infringement Indeed, the entertainment industry is flooded with screenwriters and actors who with a little self-help procured from online sources or from a quick trip to a bookstore, file lawsuits of... More Info
$751.6General Credits -
The Use of Investigators in Litigation Matters
Investigations by lawyers are an essential element of most litigation matters. Lawyers investigate the opposing parties and the facts underlying the case through the use of third-party investigators, researching public records, interviewing witnesses and sometimes by conducting surveillance. Additionally, lawyers sometimes need to investigate their own clients or witnesses to a case. Lawyers may need more information about their own clients to assure themselves of the truthfulness of... More Info
$501General Credit -
The Rise of The Machines: A Lawyer's Guide to Avoiding Legal Extinction
This CLE course will introduce attorneys, across the board, to the transformative effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the legal industry. It begins with a clear-cut breakdown of AI and Machine Learning (ML), and their practical applications in law. Then, with focus on how to harness the power of AI for legal tasks using tools like Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), participants will learn straightforward techniques to improve research and document drafting with AI assistance... More Info
$501.1General Credits -
Data Privacy in Higher Education
This CLE is designed for lawyers who want a better understanding of the unique data privacy concerns relevant to higher education. Colleges and Universities must comply with data privacy standards that can impact students, employees, alumni, donors, and the work of the institution. The course is meant to provide a general overview of the topic of data privacy as it applies to the unique needs of this industry. More Info
$501General Credit -
Green Cards Based On The Violence Against Women's Act
The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was originally passed by Congress in 1994 and has been reauthorized several times since, most recently in 2013. This course will cover VAWA when implemented in immigration. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in immigration offers vital protections to immigrant survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and trafficking. VAWA enables survivors to pursue self-petitions for green cards, shielding them from deportation and empowering them to bre... More Info
$501General Credit -
Ethical Duties When Representing Clients and Working on Client Files
Many lawyers may not fully understand the Bar rules and ethical considerations regarding whether to take on a client representation, continue the representation, and/or terminate the representation (and everything in between). This CLE course will address some very important ethical considerations to help lawyers when representing clients and working on client files/matters. More Info
$501Ethics Credit -
Family Based Immigration and Naturalization
This program will provide an overview of Family-Based Green Card and Non-Immigrant Dependent visas. This CLE course will review the qualifying relationships, eligibility issues, time-frames, filing processes, and work and travel issues while waiting for the green card for certain applicants. The Instructor will discuss the pros and cons of filing Adjustment of Status and Consular Processing, among other issues. This CLE will address Conditional Permanent Residence, when Permanent Resi... More Info
$501General Credit -
Hot Topics in Employment & Labor Law
This CLE course provides an overview of what to expect on the Employment and Labor horizon. Specifically, the course explores recent legal developments at both the federal and state level, focusing on recent changes to the law, as well as making predictions for the future. Further, the course will explore recent decisions from the Supreme Court and will strive to prepare employers to effectively meet new legal requirements. Discussion will include specific happenings at the NLRB, and t... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
Legal Research in the AI Era
Did you know that the earliest successful Artificial Intelligence program dates back to 1951? Since then, AI programs have made noticeable, but usually small, advances in legal research. That is, until the large language model (LLM), ChatGPT, was released in November 2022. Companies are releasing products at a record pace using ChatGPT as the underpinning structure. Both Westlaw and Lexis incorporated AI-assisted research features in their newest release. This CLE program will explai... More Info
$501General Credit -
Mortgage Mayhem: What Attorneys Need to Know About Loan Applicant Protections
The most confusing, time consuming, stressful and infrequent transaction your clients will face is purchasing a home. Because of this, most consumers simply check-out and become overly-reliant on the loan officer to protect their interests. Consumers say, “Let the experts handle it. I’m here for the coffee.” This is a mistake. A home loan is a “zero-sum” game for the loan officer – either the loan closes or it doesn’t. There is a commission or there isn’t. As a result, some loan officers stack... More Info
$501.1General Credits -
The Effects of Trauma and Compassion Fatigue on the Lawyer Who Cares
Many of us were attracted to the legal profession because we care about people and want to help them. Attorneys hopefully recognize that, unlike many other professionals, their lives are already filled to the brim with anxiety and stress. The consequences of shrugging it off can be catastrophic. One of those consequences that we often hear about is burnout. And then there’s a special type of burnout called “secondary traumatic stress” or “compassion fatigue”. The ramifications of trau... More Info
$501Ethics Credit -
Corporate Transparency Act: Critical Terms and Concepts
The Corporate Transparency Act went into effect January 1, 2024, under which the beneficial owners of almost every entity will need to be reported to FinCEN unless a specific statutory exception applies. Existing entities will have one year to comply, while newly formed entities will have only 90 days to register. This presentation is intended as an introduction to the CTA, which will impact the practice of almost every attorney who forms, operates, transfers, or otherwise works with... More Info
$501General Credit -
Another Bite of The Apple: How To Use The New Sentencing Guidelines Amendment To Help Your Client Get Out of Prison
The United States Congress passed what many believe was one of the greatest criminal justice reform acts in recent years: The First Step Act. The First Step Act, since its passage has resulted in a number of changes to federal criminal law that may offer your client the opportunity for significant relief including resentencing and early release. This CLE will provide an overview of the First Step Act and how recent changes to the United States Sentencing Guidelines are good news for ma... More Info
$501.4General Credits -
You Can Handle the Truth! An Introduction to the Military Justice System for Civilian Practitioners
Have you always been intrigued by the concepts of military justice? This innovative CLE will provide an overview of the military justice system, geared toward civilian practitioners who are curious about how things work in military courts or want to expand their practice areas into military defense. The lecture will provide an overview of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (“UCMJ”), the rights of the accused in the military, the cultural differences between the civilian and militar... More Info
$501.1General Credits -
Navigating The World of Sexual Abuse Allegations
A detailed look at the issues, challenges, and pitfalls facing practitioners defending sex abuse allegations on their client's behalf. From ACS child services and other similar administrative agencies through civil and criminal matters in our courthouses and beyond, the discussion will cover many topics, including jurisdiction, statute of limitations, mediation & arbitration, confusion in how these cases are charged and pled, appellate preservation, confronting expert witness testimony... More Info
$1002General Credits -
1031 Exchanges: Ethical Considerations
1031 Exchanges can often be complex. This comprehensive CLE course will explain the best practices and wide variety of ethical considerations involved in 1031 Exchanges. The course will include: Qualifying Property Scope of Representation Conflicts of Interest Identification Qualified Intermediaries And more… More Info
$501Ethics Credit -
The Nuts and Bolts of Ethics: No Nonsense
This course will explore the origins of ethics and focus on how that obligation to remain virtuous and honorable still impacts lawyers today. The course will focus on the 5 C’s of Virginia Ethics (i.e., Competence, Communication, Confidentiality, Conflict of Interest, and Candor). Each has a significant impact on an attorney’s ability to practice within the lines of ethical behavior and how attorneys should reflect these rules in their representation of clients. Participants will have... More Info
$1002Ethics Credits