Colorado CLE - Family Law Courses

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  • Love and Legislation Makes a Family: The Child Parent Act 1 Year In

    Despite its reputation for legislative progressiveness, prior to the passage of the Child Parent Security Act (CPSA), New York had one of the nation’s most antiquated surrogacy laws featuring a ban on enforceable compensated surrogacy arrangements. That ban, which imposed harsh penalties on those participating in compensated surrogacy arrangements, resulted from the infamous Baby M case which involved a contest between the surrogate (who had supplied the egg used in conception) and the child... More Info

    2General Credits
  • The ABCs of DVSJA (Domestic Violence Survivors Justice Act)

    This CLE session will provide information and strategies regarding, how, when, and for whom to use the Domestic Violence Survivors Justice Act to reduce prison time for your clients at both sentencing hearings and on appeal. The session will also provide tips for working with survivors who may be hesitant to discuss their past. More Info

    2General Credits
  • Custody Decisions: When God and Culture Have a Say

    This CLE lecture will present an analysis of cases relating to custody matters characterized by the issues of culture and religion, as well as the difference on these issues between the two parents. It will review case law and psychological protocols that are used to understand what factors a court will consider and what weight it will attribute in the handling of these matters. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Understanding Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Cases

    This CLE course will explain how to identify and evaluate nursing home cases, including the rules that should be applied to these cases, both federal and state related, as well as how to differentiate standard personal injury cases. The course will also present methods, tips and strategies to persuasively present nursing home cases in court. More Info

    2General Credits
  • Legal Issues in Divorce Cases: Equitable Distribution, Spousal Maintenance and Child Support

    The CLE course will detail how New York, somewhat patterned on New Jersey equitable distribution law, instituted and applied equitable distribution to all divorces. The course will include the current applicable statutory and recent case law. The course will also include tips on how to argue for the best possible result for your client on all financial issues. As for spousal maintenance and child support, besides reviewing the current statutes and guidelines, and recent appl... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Discovery in Surrogates Court: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

    Designed for those new to Surrogate’s Court practice as well as experienced estate planners and litigators who want to bring their practice to the next level, this CLE program will review the laws, rules and procedures involved in litigating matters in Surrogate’s Court from the viewpoints of both the petitioner and the respondent. This course also aims to provide some practical and time saving tips and some suggestions for must dos and absolutely don’ts. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Motion Practice in Family Law: Tips and Techniques

    In this CLE program, John Teufel, a matrimonial lawyer who has dedicated his practice to drafting motions and briefs for family attorneys, will share his tips and tricks for: creating effective affidavits and affirmations, explain the procedural boxes litigators must check, and discuss the larger strategic importance behind family law motion practice. More Info

    2General Credits
  • The Secure ACT: Five Key Considerations

    This CLE course will focus on five key considerations of the SECURE Act and how this law may affect your financial plan as an attorney. Some of the topics we will cover include: The new age requirements for RMDs Distribution options for beneficiaries Age limitations on traditional IRAs Flexibility around 529 plans Changes to rules around retirement distributions for births and adoptions More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Hidden Secrets of Constructive Trust Litigation

    This CLE course will address the hidden secrets of constructive trust litigation. A typical example could be if one’s client has executed a deed signing away his property, with full knowledge of what he was doing. However, he had an "understanding" that he would get it back someday. Does the statute of frauds bar relief? Maybe not. The author of the new book "Litigating Constructive Trusts" reveals some critical issues that come up in constructive trust cases, and how to use those matt... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Ethical Considerations in Matrimonial and Family Law

    This fun interactive course will cover various ethical scenarios matrimonial and family court practitioners face with clients, other attorneys and within their own firm, and how to best navigate such issues. Real life examples will be presented, along with solutions and considerations, along with possible outcomes. A mock format will be utilized, with the focus being on the New York Rules of Professional Conduct. This course is designed to provide you with the skills to evaluate and ha... More Info

    1Ethics Credit

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