Practicing Law in a Pandemic: Remote Lawyering in the Age of COVID-19 Part I


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About This Course

The legal industry has dramatically changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. More and more law firms across the country (and the world) are instructing attorneys and staff to work from home. For many, this is a significant change from what daily practice used to look like and lawyers are being asked to quickly adapt. But as we move to remote work platforms, the risk of mishandling confidential information and violating important duties to clients increases. How do you manage the risks to you, your firm and your client while also keeping up with the latest rules and opinions? Also, if you are tasked with managing your firm through this crisis, what immediate and long term steps should you be taking?

Join us as two of New York’s leading ethics lawyers team up with an accomplished privacy law practitioner to spot the issues and suggest solutions for both private lawyers and in-house counsel who are adapting to working from home. You’ll receive valuable tips to share with your legal colleagues, IT and other staff—to reduce the risks as you navigate this uncertain time.

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