Getting the Deal Done: A Discussion of Common Pitfalls Facing Dealmakers When Negotiating Film and TV Deals

SKU: IP4200

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About This Course

Recent high-profile cases demonstrate that even among the most experienced dealmakers, failing to pay sufficient attention to the details of some of the most common agreements can result in cratered deals, strained relationships and expensive disputes. With so much at stake, producers, writers, directors and financiers need to know when they are exposing themselves to these unnecessary risks. But how? This CLE program will focus on some of the biggest legal and business traps facing dealmakers and how to avoid them.

Topics include:

  • Co-Production Agreements: how to avoid getting tossed off your own film
  • Option Agreements and Shopping Agreements: when control of the IP is not enough --- when and what to own
  • Whose Idea Is It?: What is protectable IP and avoiding the common traps
  • The Back-end: how to make sure you get what's coming to you in an ever evolving media landscape

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