Fannie Mae and FHA Condominium Regulation and Policy

SKU: REL2200

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About This Course

This CLE course will explore the relevant guidelines and legal requirements that regulate the availability of obtaining end-loan financing for condominium and cooperative developments which attorneys are relied upon by developers for advice and guidance. Starting with a brief discussion of the history and market trends that led to the current regulatory environment, the course will then explore the currently available financing options and methods for obtaining approval from Fannie Mae, the FHA, and lender’s portfolio financing.

The course will explore general eligibility requirements as well as provide a more nuanced discussion of the specific requirements regarding: the legal governing documents of developments, the increasing importance of reserve fund and reserve study requirements, integration of commercial space into residential developments, insurance requirements, and other topics that lawyers are increasingly being confronted with as they provide legal advice and guidance to developers seeking to build such developments.

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