Lecturer Bio
Jonathan I. Ezor, Esq.
Jonathan I. Ezor is the Director of the Touro Law Center Institute for Business, Law and Technology, and an Assistant Professor of Law and Technology. He also serves as special counsel to The Lustigman Firm, a marketing and advertising law firm based in Manhattan, and on the IT Advisory Board for the Zarb School of Business at Hofstra University. A technology attorney for more than fifteen years, Professor Ezor has represented advertising agencies, software developers, banks, retailers and Internet service providers as well as traditional firms, and has been in-house counsel to an online retailer, an Internet-based document printing firm and a multinational Web and software development company. He was also named one of Long Island Business News’ “Top 40 Under 40” for 2005, and served as the Reporter for the New York State Bar Association E-Filing Task Force. Author of the new free e-book Shooting From the Hip: Managing the Risks of Portable Computing and Smartphones in Your Business (available at http://www.mobilerisk.com) and the Internet law handbook Clicking Through: A Survival Guide for Bringing Your Company Online (Bloomberg Press, 2000) (http://www.clickingthrough.com) and coauthor of Producing Web Hits (IDG Books, 1997), Professor Ezor was and has once again become a guest columnist on legal issues for BusinessWeek Online, as well as having written for the @NY electronic newsletter, and is a frequent blogger on the PreCentral.net site as well. He has also written for Business 2.0, Advertising Age (which named him a "Web Warrior" in 1995), Law Technology News, the New York Law Journal, and Infoworld. Professor Ezor is a graduate of Brandeis University (Magna Cum Laude; Phi Beta Kappa) and Yale Law School. He teaches courses including Cyberlaw, Cybercrime, Licensing Intellectual Property, Privacy in the Digital Age, Negotiable Instruments and Payment Systems, and the Business Technology Law Externship, and established and directed Touro’s first summer law school program in Jerusalem, Israel in 2008.