Arizona MCLE - Employment Law Courses

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  • Everything You Wanted to Know About Diversity In The Legal Profession, But Were Afraid to Ask

    Diversity and inclusion are difficult topics to avoid, especially as they apply to workplace hiring. This CLE course will deal specifically with the legal profession and offer a frank discussion on the real reasons why diversity in the legal workplace is so uncommon. The course will also delve into the issue of the harm this causes both in general and to the legal profession and how to implement changes that will better serve the public at large. More Info

    0.75Ethics Credit
  • Pregnancy & Caregiver Rights in the Workplace

    Pregnancy and caregiving responsibilities present unique challenges for both workers and employers. Managers must balance the need for continuity of business operations with regulations that protect expecting mothers and new parents from discrimination and retaliation. For new moms, the stress of pregnancy is too often compounded by unlawful mistreatment from bosses who are overly concerned with their bottom line. This CLE program will include practical guidance for employment law pract... More Info

    0.75General Credit
  • Social Media and Ethical Issues in Employment Law – Part 2

    This CLE presentation will explore how the Rules of Professional Conduct apply to the use of social media in the work environment. The presentation will highlight social media issues such as privacy, investigations into potential hires, misconduct by current employees and the NY pay transparency law. The presentation is intended to be interactive, with hypotheticals and opportunities for discussion throughout the program. More Info

    0.75Ethics Credit
  • Social Media Ethics and Trends for Employment Lawyers

    Join Marty Gandelman and Committee Chair Lauren Paxton for a program sponsored by NYCLA’s Labor and Employment Committee. The evening will open with a CLE presentation exploring how the Rules of Professional Conduct apply to attorneys' use of various social media platforms and how to navigate potential ethical issues related to marketing, evidence gathering, ex parte communications, and jurors. The presentation will also highlight social media issues that may arise in the workp... More Info

    0.75Ethics Credit
  • What Employment Lawyers Need to Know About Executive Compensation

    This CLE program will highlight the key considerations for employment lawyers handling executive employment matters both on behalf of management and individuals. The program will feature equity compensation basics, including the common terms in grant agreements, pitfalls in negotiating offers, employment termination impacts, and 409 tax issues. The program will provide valuable insights and practical takeaways for employment negotiations and disputes along with a touch of tax basics. More Info

    0.75General Credit
  • "Sweat Equity" in Small Businesses and Venture Startups: The Legal and Tax Issues

    When a startup or small business first launches, it is easy to issue shares (almost) tax-free to the company founders. When a shareholder or LLC member receives shares in exchange for his or her labor, or “sweat equity,” the legal and tax issues are a bit more complicated. In this fast-paced, entertaining presentation, you will learn: whether “sweat equity” workers should be treated as employees or independent contractors; the use of restricted stock, options, warrants and other equ... More Info

    1General Credit
  • #You're Fired @Will: Social Media and Employment Law

    Employees talk about everything on social media. Their supervisors. Their clients. The pitch they worked on all night. While many of these comments are harmless, some violate workplace rules or threaten company interests. But disciplining employee social media communications is not as easy as it sounds - even in "employment at will" situations. State and federal law protects certain types of online speech. In addition to the subject matter of the comments, you have to consider wher... More Info

    1General Credit
  • ADA and Psychiatric Disabilities

    More and more employees in your workforce have psychiatric disabilities. What are the rules for dealing with such employees and when can you discipline them for violation of your work rules. What types of reasonable accommodations do you have to provide to them and what are some of the requests that can trip you up? When can you terminate an employee with psychiatric disabilities because they are a "direct threat to themselves or others" and when do you have to continue their employment? Atten... More Info

    1General Credit
  • ADA Website Compliance: Is Your Website Lawsuit Proof?

    This CLE program will address some of the most critical issues pertinent Website ADA Compliance as stipulated by Section 508 of ADA. It is designed to help members and their clients to understand the significance and effects of increased accessibility and its relationship to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The exponential development of the Internet and data innovation make this an attractive area for those concerned about equal access for all – both the purpose of accessibil... More Info

    1General Credit
  • ADA, ADAAA and EEOC Regulations

    Perhaps the most difficult law to understand and ensure legal compliance with is the ADA and the ADAAA. Moreover, the EEOC has issued extensive regulations to ensure legal compliance. This CLE program will ensure that you understand the legal ins and outs of this law, how to know what constitutes a disability within the meaning of the ADA and how to recognize when an employee has requested a reasonable accommodation. This CLE will provide the answers to your most difficult AD... More Info

    1General Credit

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