What to Reasonably Expect in the Coming Years from the Reasonable Expectations of the Insured Doctrine


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About This Course

The reasonable expectations of the insured doctrine is one of the most controversial legal theories of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and has been a frequent topic among commentators, receiving both high praise and scathing criticism. Despite the continued analysis, the REI doctrine continues to evade a universal understanding or clear definition. A few recent cases have completely rejected the REI doctrine, casting doubt on the doctrine’s continued existence. Listen as Arthur J. Park explains how the REI doctrine can continue to assist the courts in insurance coverage disputes, although perhaps in a somewhat altered nature.

Topics include:

  • Origin of the REI doctrine
  • How the states have interpreted and applied the doctrine
  • Four different variations of the REI doctrine
  • A state-by-state breakdown of the REI cases
  • Justifications and rationale in support of the REI doctrine
  • Continued criticism of the REI doctrine over forty years
  • Where we're headed - recent trends in states applying the REI doctrine
  • Where we should be headed - REI doctrine as a limit on contra proferentem
  • And much more...

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